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wave length

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  • wave length

    A value that sets the wave length (in meter for example) in the Ocean texture map , like the Wave Height, I am not that sharp in using those setting, and I often want to have the distance between wave longer as they are out on the open ocean. The map generate waves are way to close to get a scale right impression with large ship , at least for me .
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I´m doing some rnd with kind of a similar scenery.
    Try playing with the uvw tiling settings in the ocean map to stretch it the way you want.
    You may have to counteract with the waveforce and changerate etc. to get some good results...
    Trying to get something nice right now, too. let me know if you find a nice solution!


    • #3
      great real Olika, is the volvo phoniex ?. I will try with the UVW map. But it would really be a great improvent if we could control the length, or get the system like in Brifros where the wave are influenced by a ocean BOSS plane. Then we could get a ocean more like this.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by stefan bartram; 17-07-2020, 02:38 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by stefan bartram View Post
        great real Olika, is the volvo phoniex ?. I will try with the UVW map. But it would really be a great improvent if we could control the length, or get the system like in Brifros where the wave are influenced by a ocean BOSS plane. Then we could get a ocean more like this.
        Hmm, what is the problem to get the ocean to look like in the screenshot right now with Phoenix?
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          stefanbartram thx buddy! yeah all phoenix
          Another thing i`m testing is the level of detail. For me it seems that when you decrease it to 1 then there is straight movement forward and no second and third layer wave force in different directions.


          • #6
            Georgi - , the distance between the "large" waves , here there is only 2 , and the slow speed they move with. You can't control the wave distance in Phoniex. But if you have a set up that do that, I be glad to see it. Bear in mind the distance between the waves should be 50 - 75 m, and not the beach set up. It need to be open deep ocean

            Olika , Ah I will try that to


            • #7
              Using the suggestions made by Olika you should be able to get the same result. Adjusting the rate of change will help with the speed of the waves.
              Georgi Zhekov
              Phoenix Product Manager


              • #8
                Another thing i just tried and it seems to work fine is that you can use more then one wave force helper.,
                I.e. i have one waveforce helper for the big waves with multiplier 5-10 with one oceantex in it ( example settings i have right now (without any warrant as i'm tersting by myself right now ) wind speed 15 m/s, level of detail 1 (as i mentioned earlier 1 is important to just have single waves moving forward), rate of change1,3, turn coordinates z-angle in the direction you want the waves to flow.
                Then as a second layer, use a second waveforce helper, way lower multiplier (i.e. 0,5) as it should create the smaller ripples on top of the big waves. with a second oceantex in it. (wind speed 3-5 m/s, level of detail 15, rate of change 1)

                Hope that helps! Greeting from the CG Wave Research Institute Olika!


                • #9
                  Hope that's not too offtopic but i feel i have the right people in here so i try to hijack the thread with a quick question.
                  Still with the big waves, i stumbled across the simulate air effects checkbox. First, is it cool to use in a big wave setup or you say no no gonna produce wackness after siming for two days haha.
                  And when yes use it, then do i have to put a force in the scene too to make that work, i.e. does it need a plainforce to create a effect at all or is it doing something inside the fluidsim just by enabling the checkbox?
                  Thanks in advance and sorry for being offtopic


                  • #10
                    Here's a little playblast from the scene i'm fiddling around right now:


                    • #11
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	WAv3_0016.jpg
Views:	444
Size:	26.3 KB
ID:	1078400

                      Olika did you use WaveForce in the The Ocean Cleanup System video ?

                      I'm trying to use that to get some bigger rolling waves, like in the pic. These are done with the Pure Ocean setting. But when I transfer the Oceantexture settings to Wave Force , it does not really generate the same waves


                      • #12
                        hi stefan bartram jep i think when you going into extremes in terms of oceantex values, the pure ocean preview ist not reliable anymore as displacement can't do it anymore.
                        Better use a lowres sim for preview how the fluid react, although when you upres the grid it will change behavior a bit. Guess it's all experience. Took me a long time to develop the patience and accept that it just has to sim for some frames to see what the result will be.


                        • #13
                          hey Svetlin.Nikolov as talking bout long sim times to see some effect, maybe you can jump in and help.
                          When i take a closer look to my wave sim (see gif above) i'm fighting with some blocky movement when the wave moves forward. Seems it's most prominet at the fastest part of the wave in that case the peak shortly before breaking. It's the lower left corner of the gif where camera is the closest to the fluid.

                          Is this a steps per frame issue and just needs ore steps to get a more smooth fluid forward movement?

                          OR i also have a verdict on the droplet surfing. On one side it suggested in the docs to use it in ocean/wave setups. But as the droplet surfing affects the liquid could it be that the meshing of the fluid gets influenced in a bad way here. I mean it looks like that the mesh tries to catch up to the fast moving fluid particles and tries to mesh the powerful splashes of the breaking crest? In that case the flicker would be understandable.

                          Right now i try a new sim with droplet surfing turned off. But i would like to hear what you think about it and what would be your bet how much steps per frame would be good for that kind of big wave?


                          • #14
                            Hmmm, I can't see it in the gif though.. lower left, correct? Could it be a mesh resolution issue? Does mesh smoothing help it?
                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                            • #15
                              Hi Svetlin.Nikolov yeah have to admit it's hard to see in the first gif. I tried to get a better example. Hope you can see it now.
                              Indeed i'm messing around with smoothing parameters too.
                              Could they cause this splotchy movement? Playing with input smooth ing and also Meshsmoothing with and without particles and all in combination. Still i did not found the badboy

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	splotchy_wave_movement.gif
Views:	651
Size:	4.19 MB
ID:	1078460

