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Curve editor improvements

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  • Curve editor improvements

    Started playing with Phoenix - there's some very cool stuff happening, gonna up some renders when I get to a decent machine. Couple gripes with the curve editor in the shading department though:

    1) would be very cool to have a smooth interpolation type between keys (like the auto type in the max curve editor). Fiddling with bezier tangents all the time is annoying.

    2) would be very cool to have a magnitude spinner for the Y axis. Right now, it's hard to keep the same curve you have, but increase the intensity. If the curve gets multiplied by magnitude (call it intensity multiplier or whatever) tweaking would be much easier.

    And yeah, if you can use the curve editor from max would be great. If not - please put these two minor things in, would make life much better.
    Hristo Velev
    MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
    Sofia, Bulgaria

  • #2
    1 - i agree, the tangents are annoying and some alternative interpolation would be useful
    2 - hold CTRL key and drag the diagram catching it near to the left border. the same trick works in x direction too, but you have to catch the diagram near to the lower border.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      That second one is tricky I didn't manage to do it with the ctrl-drag, the ones that worked are the alt-rightclick-drag to zoom and the alt-ctrl-drag to scale the whole curve, but that's done from the bottom left corner and it's kinda clumsy.

      Max doesn't provide you with a curve control, does it? It's a shame you gotta write such fundamental things yourself
      Hristo Velev
      MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
      Sofia, Bulgaria


      • #4
        max really provides a curve editor, but we have our reasons
        and all athis tricks with the left border and CTRL key are to avoid the switching between different editing modes (move, scale, create, delete etc...)
        Last edited by Ivaylo Katev; 29-08-2010, 10:20 PM.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          Ok, as long as it works
          Hristo Velev
          MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
          Sofia, Bulgaria

