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Phoenix 3 whish: Foam Fluid

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  • Phoenix 3 whish: Foam Fluid

    First to prevent misunderstandings, I don't mean to replace the existing Foam solution with particles it certainly has it's place.
    I think the following pictures describes pretty well what i'm talking about.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Example_Foam_Fluid.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	244.8 KB
ID:	878557

    So basically a fluid with a high viscosity a very low density. I think there is no doubt that here the use of particles reaches it's limit in terms of simulation and rendering.
    First i thought about a separat Foam-Fluid source but the more i think about it i'm convinced it would make much more sense to make it an evolved state of the Liquid-Fluid so those two can physically interact with each other.
    Another thing is the shading. I guess it would require a special volumetric shader to make it look like all sorts of foam.

  • #2
    i understand what you mean. i doubt that this kind of behavior can be achieved using the liquid engine, the foam particle simulator is more suitable for it.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Not sure if it is what you are after, but the last project I worked on we needed something like this (the beer foam coming over the edge of the glass), all I did was sim a viscous liquid and dumb particles from the same emitter. Then don't render the liquid, just the the foam using the dumb particles as source. When it has aired, I will post it.
      It didn't need to interact as the beer was full already, but I do like the idea of the the low density high viscous fluid that could interact with the current fluid. But to me that is just the case of being able to get fluids with different properties into the same grid. Which I'm sure is no easy task, if not impossible, in grid based fluid systems.
      Gavin Jeoffreys
      Freelance 3D Generalist


      • #4
        I'm curious to see the result.
        What i'm primarily after is a posibility to create really dense foam like whipped cream for example which has a very high viscosity to keep the fluid in shape.
        When you simulate Liquid with it's maximum value of 1,0 for viscosity it looks like honey and the shape collapses und it's weight. The particles in fact do a way better job but if you want someting like shaving foam
        you would need billions of small bubbles.

        So if it doesn't work voxel based than the only way i can imagine is to have a possibility to mesh the particles with the phoenix mesher, how about that?


        • #5
          you can try to mesh the foam particles with frost, i have never tried it, but as i know it supports phoenix
          VRScans developer


          • #6
            OH! never tried.

            Good idea, thanks!

