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Scene scale parameter in Phoenix settings

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  • Scene scale parameter in Phoenix settings

    Hey all,

    I know Phoenix is using the 3dsmax scene scale to control the scale of the simulation.

    However, this gives me a serious pipeline issue because on large scenes with several people working on it, I use XREF to load in animated objects, cameras, etc. And if I start messing with the scene scale to control my Phoenix simulation, suddenly the Xrefs will start to behave mad, and my camera and the other Xreffed scenes will not be in their correct positions. Re-loading an Xreffed scene (if, for instance, the animator has changed the camera) is impossible. Even changing the scene scale back to the original doesn't help.

    So, pretty please, it would be great to have a "scene scale" parameter right next to the "time scale".

    Thanks for listening.
    - Jonas
    Jonas Ussing, VFX supervisor in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • #2
    you have it, ask for nightly access
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Lots of hugs! That is awesome.

      (was this already in the nightly build, or did you just make it?)
      Jonas Ussing, VFX supervisor in Copenhagen, Denmark


      • #4
        I just installed Phoenix official max2015_vray_30, and I cant find "scene scale". Has it been removed, and can be found only from nightly builds (cant wait for nightly web site to go up again)?


        • #5
          it's in the nightlies, the official version does not have it.
          VRScans developer


          • #6
            Darn... so its using only max scene scale and is 1 by default? I suppose I have to chance the max scale then before I get the nightly.


            • #7
              actually this parameter has very special purpose. it is used when you have already prepared scene, that can't be rescaled for some reason (for example includes other simulator that is scale dependent) and has WRONG scale. in all other cases you can just change the scene scale by the units setup. are you really in this situation?
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                Well, Im having a phx sim scene with Phoenix for Vray 2.4 and used simulator scene scale 2 (for me its just easier to use simulator scene scale and have visually pleasant results, rather than tweaking scenes own scale multiplier) and now when I start to use Phoenix for Vray 3 this feature is missing, so I think for now I just then use 1Unit=2,0 rather than 1=1 (isnt it the same as using Phoenix scene scale=2?)


                • #9
                  how do we get access to the nightly builds?


                  • #10
                    if you are a customer, you can ask the support, explain them what feature of the nightlies you need and they will take care. keep in mind that the nightlies are permanently under construction and you can meet some unexpected behavior.
                    VRScans developer

