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Viscosity and friction

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  • Viscosity and friction

    Maybe it is me but, viscosity parameter unit scale is pushing the limit ...
    The behavior difference of liquid with viscosity to 0 or 0.001 is phenomenal. And going to 0.0005 requires max being set at 4 decimals just for that. I know ChaosGroup love so small values (we switched from 2 decimals to 3 when we goes VRay for all threshold values only), but having viscosity x100 would help in precision ...

    Also, if I need a liquid goind from a polished plastic into a rough surface in same simulator, how can I do that ? Sure the liquid should have same viscosity, but why not add a 'friction' parameter in per object PhoenixFD properties ?

  • #2
    the normal values for the viscosity are 0.1 - 1, not 0.0001
    the difference between 0 and 0.001 is because the entire viscosity processing is enabled only when there is some minimal viscosity above zero. the transition is not continuous, because even the smallest change of the simulation can produce significant difference
    about the friction - the wetting option can switch it between on/off but there is no gradual control.
    VRScans developer

