I would like to see viewport scale parameter added to every single PhoenixFD object that has a viewport icon. In 3ds Max, it is never obvious if scaling of the object will actually multiply some of its parameters. In case of PhoenixFD I believe it should not, but most of the artists adopted the practice of not touching the scale of an object unless it is absolutely necessary. It always throws huge amount of depressing uncertainty if I have to scale something that is not supposed to be scaled, like a light or a helper, because I don't know if some weird kink won't throw off something else in the scene.
Also, 3ds Max viewport often tends to glitch out when objects have too large or too small scale value, regardless of their actual physical size in the scene. So 1mm^3 cube scaled to 1m^3 by setting scale to 100000% cube will show you a lot of ugly Z fighting artifacts while cube of same size with 100% scale won't.
Now, the issue with PhoenixFD is that once you create a helper, let's say PHXSource or PHXFoam, you have only one chance to set the scale, when initially dragging out the gizmo into the scene. Once you do, and want to change scale of that icon, your only option is to scale the helper object, and here the uncertainty comes. For example, I just got access to nightly builds, and when I opened my scene created with official PhoenixFD release, my turbulence force in the scene was super tiny, like 1 pixel wide. So I had to scale it up to like 500000% scale to see it, and now the viewport glitches out a little bit. Only other way to fix this is to delete the helper, and re-setup it from scratch. This is especially painful if it has complex dependencies and some keyframes. I am also still not sure if scaling it did not mess something up, for example if scale doesn't somehow multiply turbulence size parameter or something.
So I would like to ask for a simple parameter for every PhoenixFD object which is represented with a flat icon, that will simply set its absolute size in world units while keeping object's scale at 100%. All the native 3ds Max forces, deflectorts, particle systems and such have this parameter, so it would be appropriate to honor this 3ds Max standard.
Thanks in advance
I would like to see viewport scale parameter added to every single PhoenixFD object that has a viewport icon. In 3ds Max, it is never obvious if scaling of the object will actually multiply some of its parameters. In case of PhoenixFD I believe it should not, but most of the artists adopted the practice of not touching the scale of an object unless it is absolutely necessary. It always throws huge amount of depressing uncertainty if I have to scale something that is not supposed to be scaled, like a light or a helper, because I don't know if some weird kink won't throw off something else in the scene.
Also, 3ds Max viewport often tends to glitch out when objects have too large or too small scale value, regardless of their actual physical size in the scene. So 1mm^3 cube scaled to 1m^3 by setting scale to 100000% cube will show you a lot of ugly Z fighting artifacts while cube of same size with 100% scale won't.
Now, the issue with PhoenixFD is that once you create a helper, let's say PHXSource or PHXFoam, you have only one chance to set the scale, when initially dragging out the gizmo into the scene. Once you do, and want to change scale of that icon, your only option is to scale the helper object, and here the uncertainty comes. For example, I just got access to nightly builds, and when I opened my scene created with official PhoenixFD release, my turbulence force in the scene was super tiny, like 1 pixel wide. So I had to scale it up to like 500000% scale to see it, and now the viewport glitches out a little bit. Only other way to fix this is to delete the helper, and re-setup it from scratch. This is especially painful if it has complex dependencies and some keyframes. I am also still not sure if scaling it did not mess something up, for example if scale doesn't somehow multiply turbulence size parameter or something.
So I would like to ask for a simple parameter for every PhoenixFD object which is represented with a flat icon, that will simply set its absolute size in world units while keeping object's scale at 100%. All the native 3ds Max forces, deflectorts, particle systems and such have this parameter, so it would be appropriate to honor this 3ds Max standard.
Thanks in advance