the new "pure ocean" Feature is great for fine Tuning the ocean object. We still Have to whishes for it:
1: Adjustable Wireframe Preview Resolution of the mesh, to get it faster and help Animators to animate objects to the waves. Just a Preview Resolution slider to adjust the mesh density without affecting the Rendering.
2: Pure Ocean Shows the ocean in the Box Container only for now, right ? We Have same camera flights with objects on top of the ocean at different positions. The Container right now shows the neccessary detail inside the box, which is not enough to cover our Scenes. We can?t move the Container around, because it moves the ocean itself and changes the wave positions. For this case it would be great to have a "viewport reference box", same as Container itself, but which should be capabale of moving around without changing the Container object. This way we would be able to move the viewport box to our Point of interest, doing Animation there and then moving the viewport box to the next Location, doing Animation there again and so on.
thank you
best regards
the new "pure ocean" Feature is great for fine Tuning the ocean object. We still Have to whishes for it:
1: Adjustable Wireframe Preview Resolution of the mesh, to get it faster and help Animators to animate objects to the waves. Just a Preview Resolution slider to adjust the mesh density without affecting the Rendering.
2: Pure Ocean Shows the ocean in the Box Container only for now, right ? We Have same camera flights with objects on top of the ocean at different positions. The Container right now shows the neccessary detail inside the box, which is not enough to cover our Scenes. We can?t move the Container around, because it moves the ocean itself and changes the wave positions. For this case it would be great to have a "viewport reference box", same as Container itself, but which should be capabale of moving around without changing the Container object. This way we would be able to move the viewport box to our Point of interest, doing Animation there and then moving the viewport box to the next Location, doing Animation there again and so on.
thank you
best regards