Hello and welcome to the V-Ray 6 beta!
Here you will find the latest builds for the beta - https://nightlies.chaos.com/main#/vraymax6/beta
Mind that the feature set that we'll start with will grow during the whole beta period, so stay tuned for anything new.
There will be separate threads for some of the new features and here is the change log with some highlights (bolded):
New Features
Here you will find the latest builds for the beta - https://nightlies.chaos.com/main#/vraymax6/beta
Mind that the feature set that we'll start with will grow during the whole beta period, so stay tuned for anything new.
There will be separate threads for some of the new features and here is the change log with some highlights (bolded):
New Features
- Improved SSS translucency mode of VRayMtl (faster, on by default)
- Include Chaos Scatter as part of the V-Ray installer (Chaos' in-house tool for scattering)
- Deep output option for the Cryptomatte render element
- VRayProxy improved functionality with hierarchy and advanced overrides (3ds Max 2019 and up)
- Implement optimized auto-bump mode for displaced meshes
- VRayEnmesh modifier in Max (no V-Ray GPU support for now)
- VFB panorama Viewer
- Proportion Guides Layer to help with scene composition in VFB
- Batch image processing in VFB2; Option to process exr files
- Flip button in the VFB
- Displacement support for VRayDecal
- V-Ray CUDA/GPU rendering for Chaos Scatter Surface map
- Support for VRayLightingAnalysis render element
- Add MaxScript alias "fileName" for all plugins that take a file name as a parameter
- Add "by user ID" random option in VRayMultiSubTex
- Add an option to remove resumable vrimg file after successful render
- Display textures in the GPU preview
- Add tooltips to the 3ds Max UI
- Add Thin Film rollout in VRayMtl
- Implement energy compensation for the GTR BRDF
- Method for listing files paths from a cosmos asset
- New icons for the V-Ray Toolbar
- Partial material override to work with animations
- Transport custom particle data for light instances in V-Ray Standalone
- Remove the Visible to GI option from VRayObjectProperties
- On drag&dropping HDRI the result dome should not snap to objects
- VRayProxy preview types are cropped on HiDPI
- Add a warning when rendering VRayVolumeGrid in CPU IPR
- Improve the data window values when using Auto mode for the VrayOptionRE
- VRayHairInfoTex animated parameters export
- Remove the Diffuse subdivs and Diffuse multiplier options for Photon Mapping GI from the V-Ray light properties
- Enable Probabilistic Volumetrics by default for new scenes
- Export VRayObjectSelect RE to a .vrscene file
- Change V-Ray installation environment variables
- Adding progress bar in Standalone VFB (mimics the progress bar in Max)
- Implement Qt UI of VRayEdgesTex
- Implement Qt UI of VRayMtlWrapper
- Implement Qt UI of VRayLightMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayUserColor and VRayScalar
- Implement Qt based UI for some of the V-Ray/GPU render settings dialogs
- Implement Qt UI of VRayFakeFresnelTex
- Implement image files drag and drop to texture slots in Qt UI
- Implement Qt UI of VRayCarPaintMtl and VRayFlakesMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayBlendMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayBump2Normal
- Implement Qt UI of VRayBumpMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayCompTex
- Implement Qt UI of VRayCurvature
- Implement Qt UI of VRayScatterVolume
- Implement Qt UI for VRayFastSSS2 Material
- Implement Qt UI of VRayCarPaintMtl2 and VRayFlakesMtl2
- Implement Qt UI of VRayHairInfoTex
- Implement Qt UI of VRayHairNextMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayOverrideMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayPointParticleMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRaySamplerInfoTex
- Implement Qt UI of VRayStochasticFlakesMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRaySwitchMtl
- Implement Qt UI of VRayNormalMap
- "Use displaced surface" option in VRayTriplanarTex for diffuse
- Implement Qt UI of VRayTriplanarTex
- Make "By node handle" the default random mode for VRayTriplanarTex
- Implement Qt UI of VRayColor2Bump
- Optimize VrayColor2Bump to do 3 texture calls instead of 4
- Implement Qt UI of VRaySky
- The VRaySky map as environment background should be available for preview in the viewport
- Add output section to VRayNoiseTex
- Add preview mode options for VRayScene node
- Support for "Result affect" in VRayDirt
- Change GPU clamp to work as CPU clamp
- Autovoxelize dynamic geometry in V-Ray GPU
- Use 16 bit quantization of float point value for NanoVDB
- Double-clicking the VFB to zoom the area round the cursor
- Dither colors in the frame buffer to avoid banding with low-contrast gradients
- Add the Sharpen/Blur layer in the VFB2 MAXScript layer manager properties
- Add albedo RE for AI denoising
- Grey out Streaks density and Blur in VRayDirt when the renderer is V-Ray GPU
- Support for "null" widgets
- AdvancedWood.osl export
- Switch to MDL 1.5
- Texture slots for fog depth and translucency amount
- Remove Glossy Fresnel option
- Introduce a more accurate metallic Fresnel
- Add limited forward-compatibility to VRayPluginNode
- Show the sizes on storage of the data in AUR files in the Standalone Preview and Cache Converter
- Make the Dynamics rollout Wetting checkbox animatable in 3ds Max
- Speed up render start with thousands of vrscene simulator copies
- Recognize by default Velocity(x), Velocity(y) and Velocity(z) channels from VDBs from thinkingParticles
- Increase the default Velocity Streamline Length from 5 to 20 for Max, Maya and the Phoenix Previewer
- Sparsify VDBs exported by the Phoenix simulation or the cache converter
- Update OpenVDB to the latest available
- Sequential Tab ordering of the dialog controls in 3ds Max