the problem also exists in earlier V-Ray versions but basically when you enable EnvironmentFog or AerialPerspecrtive your zDepth Renderelement will be screwed up. Would it be possible to remove the Fog from the zDepth evaluation as it gives strange results?
Similar problems also accuring in the AlphaChannel, and worldNormals and possibly other passes as well.
Maybe could have an option in the Fog to not affect RenderElements or something like this?
the problem also exists in earlier V-Ray versions but basically when you enable EnvironmentFog or AerialPerspecrtive your zDepth Renderelement will be screwed up. Would it be possible to remove the Fog from the zDepth evaluation as it gives strange results?
Similar problems also accuring in the AlphaChannel, and worldNormals and possibly other passes as well.
Maybe could have an option in the Fog to not affect RenderElements or something like this?