Same vrscene
Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 1 result image is better than machine 2. why? Driver version?
App sdk version appsdk-win_qt5-nightly-vray_v5.20.24-20230218
​OS windows server 2022 standard
Machine 1
[VRay][Info] VDenoise: Using device 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 [VRay][Info] VDenoise: Driver version 528.49 [VRay][Info] VDenoise: OpenCL compiled successfuly [VRay][Info] Render elements to be denoised: [VRay][Info] RGB color [VRay][Info] Alpha [VRay][Info] Denoising complete in 1.14 s
[VRay][Info] VDenoise: Using device 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 [VRay][Info] VDenoise: Driver version 511.17 [VRay][Info] VDenoise: OpenCL compiled successfuly [VRay][Info] Render elements to be denoised: [VRay][Info] RGB color [VRay][Info] Alpha [VRay][Info] Denoising complete in 0.73 s
App sdk version appsdk-win_qt5-nightly-vray_v5.20.24-20230218
​OS windows server 2022 standard