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V-Ray for Maya

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  • #16
    I have already drop an e_mail to Chaos ..... hoping that ..... xmas are somehow sooner this year


    • #17
      A few things to note about that renderman thing. First off, renderman can even come close to the raytracing and GI abilities of MR let alone Vray. Next, this is a highly limited version of renderman as you don't have access to slim or any custom shaders. The renderman for maya has nothing to do with MTOR (maya to renderman). I am a big renderman user and enjoy it a great deal. The renderman for maya is just giving people a taste of the look of renderman without the power.


      • #18
        OMG! Can't believe!
        Started to learn Alias products a few months ago! At least Maya 7 and StudioTools What a great news!

        I want to ask - does it work with PaintFx, Fur, Fluids ? And if it support all the material nodes Maya can provide ? And does it for Maya 7 ?

        Dropped a mail with request

        P.S. Have a friend (sitting nearby) who really good in Maya, but using MentalRay. So testing will be really thoroughly
        I just can't seem to trust myself
        So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
        CG Artist


        • #19
          bring on vray for maya!
          Chris Jackson


          • #20
            ooo good news. I now a few non vray using , vray loving, maya people who will be very happy with this news


            • #21
              Originally posted by mik
              Is it base on the 1.093.X or 1.47.X or the latest 1.5 (with SSS,physic sun/sky,...)
              Don't expect it to be a match for V-Ray for 3dsmax at this stage; although the two versions share the same vray.dll and the same core engine (that of the 1.47.xx versions), the Maya connection is nowhere near as complete as that for 3dsmax. This is partly due to the fact that we cannot use the standard Maya shaders (materials, textures etc) and those have to be emulated by V-Ray specific counterparts. Otherwise, most of the V-Ray features like GI engines, DOF, motion blur, antialiasing etc. are supported in exactly the same way as in 3dsmax.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #22
                I think vray for maya will benefit 3dsmax-to-Maya pipelines too. Although i´m a max user, i´ve struggled with the issue to convert max scenes to maya for my fellow maya user to render, but all materials and nice render thingies were lost. Now, I expect it to be a big step in collaboration between studios, eliminating a lot of the hassles we had to face in the past and softening -to some extent- the fights about what software we should use...The answer is: use whatever u want, because the well-known vray is at the end of the chain to help u get the job done!
                My Youtube VFX Channel -
                Sonata in motion - My first VFX short film made with VRAY.
                Sunset Day - My upcoming VFX short:


                • #23
                  vlado, why it is not possible to support mayas textures/shaders?
                  imo mayas textures are very powerful...without them............
                  Dmitry Vinnik
                  Silhouette Images Inc.


                  • #24
                    VERY GREAT NEWS!!!
                    what are the principal function which this version has ?

                    Is it base on the 1.093.X or 1.47.X or the latest 1.5 (with SSS,physic sun/sky,...)

                    However thanks a lot for your effort

                    mickael attia
                    senior artist


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Morbid Angel
                      vlado, why it is not possible to support mayas textures/shaders?
                      imo mayas textures are very powerful...without them............
                      You should perhaps ask the Alias development team who made it impossible All current renderers for Maya duplicate all of the shaders and lights to their internal equivalents (mental ray, turtle, renderman for maya).

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #26
                        Could this problem be overcome now Autodesk owns Maya? They may "open" up Maya textures/shaders making the third party renderers more able to use them!? I guess this is a request all users/developers of Maya should be asking of Autodesk and Alias(currently). I'm not a Maya user, but I hope this happens for all you Maya users as this would be alot better than your current situation!
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                        "DR or Die!"


                        • #27
                          thanks for the info vlado

                          mickael attia
                          senior artist


                          • #28
                            i guess max just has an easier SDK. actually if you look at it max has the most plugins

                            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                            stupid questions the forum can answer.


                            • #29
                              da elf, you are correct. From the early times, max was open to 3rd party plugins but maya was not, and up until version 3 or 4 they gave out the sdk source codes to every one. But, maya is a more complicated software internally then max, having built in panit effects, dynamics, cloth, and so on from early versions, make intergration of a new system much harder.
                              Non the less, I get emails from all of my maya friends telling me vray for maya is out! they are all exited as the long years of mental ray opression are coming to an end
                              Dmitry Vinnik
                              Silhouette Images Inc.


                              • #30
                                Has anyone heard back on weather they were accepted into the vRay for Maya beta program yet? I am wondering if it's just taking time or if I have not been accepted.
                                His suffering set me free - Is 53

