Non related to this, how do you resolve the problem of USB hungry devices. I have a 4xUSB port on my computer and i don't know were to plug Vray dongle because all 4 are already used: digital camera, video camera, tablet and scanner. I know it's not expensive to add new ones but it's just a chore to do it.
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Dongles FAQ
As for the second statement i´d say plug it into any machine on the net (the server ? the rendermanager ?) and grab the license via the network.
(just a minor question, what kinda video camera are you using that usb and not firewire?)
I think I have one laying around which I could send to you for the cost of shipping.
If you read the FAQ you will notice that you can have multiple licenses on one usb-dongle. So you can have all your licenses on one dongle, plug that into the server room somewhere and grab the licenses via network (this is even possible via http, so it´s also possible in very restrictive network environments (tho you should have access to a license-server anyways ?))
Will you be bundling the VRay 1.5 installer on the dongle? That would be a nice feature. You might want to spruce up the dongle a bit, put the chaos/vray logo on it - looks a little plain to me, can become easy to misplace.
This would make life easier for licensing in the long run, as a security feature this is no good. All you will end up doing is costing customers more and putting them through the hassle of ordering and waiting for the USB key to arrive. Those in the business of bypassing software protection schemes will just emulate the key - and btw, emulation is not a hard anymore. I note that you said this was not an anti-piracy solution, but to make VRay more portable - I am with you there.
I also agree with cpnic, 30USD + shipping is like peanuts compared to what the guys at pixar are charging yearly for RAT auth/licensing. I have faith in you guys that you'll make it work.
/BlueShiftSaad "BlueShift" Ur Rahman
"Professional built the Titanic, amateurs built the Arc."
can i pay by chickens? i have a nice fat one here.. hehe kidding we are not that primative here
MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
stupid questions the forum can answer.
Originally posted by BlueShiftAll you will end up doing is costing customers more and putting them through the hassle of ordering and waiting for the USB key to arrive.
to be practical you might want to have 2 dongles and split the liscences up.
dont know about the grass hut but i do know im the only person with a boxx on the island. and i wear my tee-shirt prowdly
MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
stupid questions the forum can answer.
When I first read about this on cgarchitect, I about had a cow. The FAQ link there didn't explain that it was to be used with the 1.5 upgrade so I thought it applied to 1.47. As long as everyone is in the same boat, and they don't give out dongles for free to new customers, I see no problem here.
As far as questioning Chaos Group's support goes, Autodesk may (and I say "may" with extreme caution) have more immediate access for people in the US and Canada but anything beyond simple installation and authorization requires extra dough before they'll help you out (couple of hundred dollars for a support contract). So far I've rec'd good support from Chaos and they didn't ask for a nickel in return.
Happy Holidays Chaos!
I At first was very against that dongle , and i still think that the majority of users would vote against it but...
from my expiriance with chaos i know that there will be no problem and any problem with dongle failore will be addressed shortly.
Vlado said
Your rendering will be finished successfully. A license is requested only at the start of the rendering.
best regards
Originally posted by percydamanya the chaos support is nice, but the real shining gem! this vray community. if people only came here to ask questions and never help answer them, I dont know how well chaos would do.We do realize that this forum and its users form an integral part of what V-Ray is now and that without it, there would be a lot more typing to do
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.