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Vray 1.5 Final????

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  • #91

    Hopefully the dongle will prevent some of the not-legal software shares. We spend an awful lot of money on software. I get e-mails weekly from oversees rendering farms offering renderings for pennies on the dollar... can't be done if they are buying their software.
    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
    • ​Windows 11 Pro


    • #92
      I dont think it will make a difference.
      These dongles have been cracked before for other software.

      The reason for going dongles was for ease of use NOT piracy protection. Primarily anyway.


      • #93
        Hardware Lock

        Bummer. It brings me back to Autocad of the early days.
        Bobby Parker
        phone: 2188206812

        My current hardware setup:
        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
        • ​Windows 11 Pro


        • #94
          Whom do i contact about the Dongle in India. I purchased Vray in Nov 2005 from an online reseller in the US.

          and i did fill in the dongle request form last year.

          I did send a mail to and to Tedi...hope i get my dongle soon.


          • #95
            Contact either a reseller in india (if there is one) or the place you bought it from.


            • #96
              someone on the forum ..some time ago said they vray final will ha ve multilight feature (similar to maxwell wehere u will be able to control the interior lights after the render - their intensity) that true or was it a hoax? as i havent seen it on the list....?
              teabag studios



              • #97
                Doesnt exist AFAIK.

                Seems the mesh based vraylights are not there either...


                • #98
                  BTW semi-new sampler is quite a handy thing. Seems, it looks slight better when there comes a complicated BDRF and some hard sampling decisions.
                  I just can't seem to trust myself
                  So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                  CG Artist


                  • #99
                    dont want to be picky or sound dissatisfied but i have to admit i am a bit

                    didnt they say the mesh based light will be part of 1.5 final?...oh it looks like its been put together just for the purpose of siggy and they left out the things that were either unstable or too fresh to include inthe final

                    there must be something advanced than 1.5 final then...dont u think?
                    point release perhaps?

                    do u think that releases above 1.5 will be as paid upgrades? i would not midn ....just contemplating ...well maybe i am contemplating too much ))))
                    teabag studios



                    • Well as for meshbased lights i only remember vlado saying they are working on it. Not that they will stuff em in for 1.5



                      • ok my fault then ))))...there has been so much stuff around that i have a mishmash in it )))

                        apologies to chaos )))
                        teabag studios



                        • Agreed, instinct.
                          Besides, we've been a tad spoiled by the RCs.
                          Shall i remind us all that the previous full version was 1.47.03?
                          Now, that's some breathing room between the two, imho.
                          Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                          The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                          • Not trying to flame anyone here but noone can or should complain about the efforts at Chaosgroup. Here's why. I spent $800 on Vray nearly 18 months ago. I haven't spent anything more but I've gotten the vraysun, sky and physical camera, which wasn't in the original version I bought. I got faster rendering times and nicer renderings, which have increased my profit margin and gained new clients. I keep seeing the new jobs roll in thanks to vray. Yet at every new release they ask for nothing. Thank you Chaosgroup. I wish all software companies were as commited to their user's community.

                            By the way, I would have paid to upgrade to 1.5


                            • yesyes, i didn't mean to flame anyone at all, much less so TeaBag
                              I remarked on it just as a point to reason upon, rather than polemics with anyone...
                              Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                              The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                              • I must say I'm impressed by that list, really. and I haven't even finished reading it.
                                I've just played around with 1.50 yesterday, and even those little things which were a wee bit annoying in the everyday working routine are all gone. superfast mat editor, no more waiting before and after the rendering starts and ends, dr seems to work just a treat.. even the dongle, plug it, run the service, done.
                                looks to me like the guys over at chaos, and everyone around here who did the betatesting and all, has done an amazing job.

