V-Ray 3.50 official available for download
Hello V-Ray 3.50 is officially available for download. You can take a look at the highlights here: https://youtu.be/N2XB6iZcy_8 This is the first official build after a Beta phase (the previous releases announcements can be found here http://forums.chaosgroup.com/showthr...e-for-download and http://forums.chaosgroup.com/showthr...e-for-download) Cumulative changelog follows:
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Add VRayRawDiffuseFilter, VRayRawReflectionFilter and VRayRawRefractionFilter render and bake elements;
(*) V-Ray: Enable the resuming of bucket renders from raw .vrimg files;
(*) V-Ray: Enable the resuming of progressive renders;
(*) V-Ray: Implementation of adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray: Optimize GI rendering;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Enable usage as an interactive production renderer (IPR);
(*) V-Ray RT: Add support for adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray RT: Enable "Set focus distance" in the VFB for the selected camera;
(*) V-Ray RT: Object picking in VFB;
(*) V-Ray RT: Support for direct output to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add "Low GPU thread priority" option;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add support for VRayAtmosphere render element;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Aerial Perspective support;
(*) V-Ray GPU: All supported procedural textures to work for bump maps, when used through VRayColor2Bump texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Better handling of geometry and materials updates during ActiveShade;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Distortion support for physical camera;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed differences in lighting between V-Ray RT CPU and GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed differences in texture blending between V-Ray RT CPU and GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Implement ground projection of VRayHDRI;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Implement support for Forest Color texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Implement support for Render mask;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Initial implementation for on-demand mip-map texture in production rendering mode;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Less CPU memory usage when rendering scenes with many textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Less GPU memory usage when rendering scenes with many textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for "Mapped", "Linear" and "4 corners" Gradient types in Gradient Ramp texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for Irradiance Map from file;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for VRayRenderID, VRayObjectID and VRayMtlID render elements;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for adaptive lights in CUDA (both in production and in ActiveShade);
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for additive mode of the VRayBlendMtl;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for matte materials shadow catcher;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for the VRayStochasticFlakesMtl material;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for the planar VRayClipper;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for transparency for the layers of the VRayBlendMtl;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for velocity render element;
(*) VFB: Implement hardware acceleration support for lens effects;
(*) VFB: Lens effects can be enabled and adjusted during rendering;
(*) VFB: Lens effects work on the denoised result if a denoiser render element is present;
(*) VRayALSurfaceMtl: Include alSurface shader port for V-Ray in the installation;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Initial support for VRayMDLMtl in V-Ray RT;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Integrate support for NVIDIA MDL;
(*) VRayMtl: Implement "Glossy Fresnel" option;
(*) VRayProxy: Support for user property tags in the proxy file name;
(*) VRayScannedMtl: Add ability to capture and render the back lighting;
(*) VRayScene: Implement scene node that supports rendering geometry and materials from a .vrscene file and settings override with another file;
(*) VRayToon: Ability to store the toon outlines in a separate render element;
(*) VRayVRmatMtl: Does not update on filename change in V-Ray RT;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Add a render preset for Maya Fluids vdb;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Support for Cap Mesh mode in V-Ray RT;
(*) V-Ray Toolbar: Add button to make selected objects shadow catchers;
Modified features:
(*) V-Ray: 3ds Max render effects should be applied when the "Stop" button is pressed in the render progress;
(*) V-Ray: Adaptive lights sampling improvement when the total lights are less than the Adaptive lights count;
(*) V-Ray: Bucket resuming writes its own .vrimg output if other output format is set;
(*) V-Ray: Enable adaptive lights by default;
(*) V-Ray: Faster 2d displacement on machines with many cores;
(*) V-Ray: Faster rendering of proxies on many-core machines;
(*) V-Ray: Improve the HDR images loading speed;
(*) V-Ray: Make "1" a possible value for Geometry samples in Render Setup;
(*) V-Ray: Remove limitation on parameters count for OSL and GLSL shaders;
(*) V-Ray: Restore the 3ds Max project folder after DR render;
(*) V-Ray: Rework post-effects pipeline to avoid Lens effects overriding the denoised image in particular;
(*) V-Ray: Right-click on parameters' spinners should reset them to the default values instead of zero for most of V-Ray plugins;
(*) V-Ray: The light grid for adaptive lights does not take specular light contributions into account;
(*) V-Ray: Move the VRayDenoiser "progressive update frequency" in the System rollout;
(*) V-Ray/V-Ray RT: The progressive sampler should finish the current pass when the given "Render time" is surpassed;
(*) V-Ray: Add control for panoramic pole merging for stereoscopic rendering (V-Ray RT MAXScript properties .top_merge_angle .bottom_merge_angle);
(*) V-Ray/V-Ray RT: Draw the alpha channel during the undersampling phase of the progressive sampling;
(*) V-Ray: Dome light minor speed optimization;
(*) V-Ray: Display warning when "View navigation" in ActiveShade is selected without looking through camera;
(*) V-Ray: Increase the tooltip display times in the render settings;
(*) V-Ray: Remove the interpolated reflections/refractions options;
(*) V-Ray: Set the default value for the dynamic noise threshold for the progressive sampler to 80;
(*) V-Ray: Use adequate precision for render elements (full/half precision) in OpenEXR files;
(*) V-Ray: When using a dome light, matte objects have visible outlines unless GI environment is overridden with zero;
(*) V-Ray: Bundle License Server with the installation instead of the vrlservice.exe;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Add MAXScript callback when IPR completes rendering;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Production IPR should fill the VFB and react to changes in the VFB size and changes to render resolution;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Production IPR should react to changes in the render region in the VFB;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Track changes to node properties both V-Ray and user during IPR;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Track changes to the environment overrides in the render settings during IPR;
(*) V-Ray RT: ActiveShade should render with the current VFB resolution and should track changes to the VFB size;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add "Select object" and "Get object material" right-click options in the VFB;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add UI mode views switcher for V-Ray RT between Default and Advanced views;
(*) V-Ray RT: Allow irradiance map and light cache from saved file in ActiveShade;
(*) V-Ray RT: Apply resolution changes without restarting the rendering;
(*) V-Ray RT: Change mouse cursors for some of the right click modes during ActiveShade;
(*) V-Ray RT: Implement export of VRayToon;
(*) V-Ray RT: Implement the glossy Fresnel options;
(*) V-Ray RT: Improve random by render ID values generation for V-Ray RT and matched with VRayMultiSubTex;
(*) V-Ray RT: Make V-Ray RT to take the render state of the Laubwerk trees options, not the viewport;
(*) V-Ray RT: The "real zoom" feature is broken since beta 2;
(*) V-Ray RT: The IPR button in the VFB should work when V-Ray RT is the production renderer;
(*) V-Ray RT: VFB output file paths are not exported in .vrscene file;
(*) V-Ray RT: View navigation in ActiveShade VFB is too fast;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Ability to load precalculated Irradiance map GI cache files;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add a warning when users have Adaptive Lights and Shadows RE enabled;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Changes on materials with baked texture to be updated quicker;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Faster rendering of materials with bump maps;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Faster rendering of rounded edges texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Faster rendering with Bitmap output curves;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print the OpenCL Driver version in the log;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print the message about not having OCL devices env var as a info, not warning;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print warning when max sample level is set to 0;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print warning when there is a render element that's not supported on the GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Raise the number of rays per pixel when the number of active pixels is too low;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Solid reflective material getting alpha dropouts;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support VRayUserColor to be used for mapping channels;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for UVW coordinates type in VRaySamplerInfo render element;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for the directionality attribute of the VRayLight in Plane mode;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support the noise parameters for Gradient Ramp texture;
(*) VFB: Add a render stamp variable "noiseThreshold" for the reached noise threshold of the progressive sampler;
(*) VFB: Add command for VFB display control (vfbControl #show);
(*) VFB: Add toolbar button for copying the current channel to clipboard;
(*) VFB: Change the default values of the Lens Effects;
(*) VFB: Contrast curve should be applied in sRGB color space;
(*) VFB: Improve history images saving speed;
(*) VFB: Increase default VFB history maximum files count to 100 and the size on disk in MB to 10000;
(*) VFB: MAXScript commands to show/hide history and color corrections panels of the VFB;
(*) VFB: Move the history image compare buttons from the main toolbar to history toolbar;
continued in the next post...
Hello V-Ray 3.50 is officially available for download. You can take a look at the highlights here: https://youtu.be/N2XB6iZcy_8 This is the first official build after a Beta phase (the previous releases announcements can be found here http://forums.chaosgroup.com/showthr...e-for-download and http://forums.chaosgroup.com/showthr...e-for-download) Cumulative changelog follows:
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Add VRayRawDiffuseFilter, VRayRawReflectionFilter and VRayRawRefractionFilter render and bake elements;
(*) V-Ray: Enable the resuming of bucket renders from raw .vrimg files;
(*) V-Ray: Enable the resuming of progressive renders;
(*) V-Ray: Implementation of adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray: Optimize GI rendering;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Enable usage as an interactive production renderer (IPR);
(*) V-Ray RT: Add support for adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray RT: Enable "Set focus distance" in the VFB for the selected camera;
(*) V-Ray RT: Object picking in VFB;
(*) V-Ray RT: Support for direct output to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add "Low GPU thread priority" option;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add support for VRayAtmosphere render element;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Aerial Perspective support;
(*) V-Ray GPU: All supported procedural textures to work for bump maps, when used through VRayColor2Bump texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Better handling of geometry and materials updates during ActiveShade;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Distortion support for physical camera;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed differences in lighting between V-Ray RT CPU and GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Fixed differences in texture blending between V-Ray RT CPU and GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Implement ground projection of VRayHDRI;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Implement support for Forest Color texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Implement support for Render mask;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Initial implementation for on-demand mip-map texture in production rendering mode;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Less CPU memory usage when rendering scenes with many textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Less GPU memory usage when rendering scenes with many textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for "Mapped", "Linear" and "4 corners" Gradient types in Gradient Ramp texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for Irradiance Map from file;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for VRayRenderID, VRayObjectID and VRayMtlID render elements;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for adaptive lights in CUDA (both in production and in ActiveShade);
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for additive mode of the VRayBlendMtl;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for matte materials shadow catcher;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for the VRayStochasticFlakesMtl material;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for the planar VRayClipper;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for transparency for the layers of the VRayBlendMtl;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for velocity render element;
(*) VFB: Implement hardware acceleration support for lens effects;
(*) VFB: Lens effects can be enabled and adjusted during rendering;
(*) VFB: Lens effects work on the denoised result if a denoiser render element is present;
(*) VRayALSurfaceMtl: Include alSurface shader port for V-Ray in the installation;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Initial support for VRayMDLMtl in V-Ray RT;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Integrate support for NVIDIA MDL;
(*) VRayMtl: Implement "Glossy Fresnel" option;
(*) VRayProxy: Support for user property tags in the proxy file name;
(*) VRayScannedMtl: Add ability to capture and render the back lighting;
(*) VRayScene: Implement scene node that supports rendering geometry and materials from a .vrscene file and settings override with another file;
(*) VRayToon: Ability to store the toon outlines in a separate render element;
(*) VRayVRmatMtl: Does not update on filename change in V-Ray RT;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Add a render preset for Maya Fluids vdb;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Support for Cap Mesh mode in V-Ray RT;
(*) V-Ray Toolbar: Add button to make selected objects shadow catchers;
Modified features:
(*) V-Ray: 3ds Max render effects should be applied when the "Stop" button is pressed in the render progress;
(*) V-Ray: Adaptive lights sampling improvement when the total lights are less than the Adaptive lights count;
(*) V-Ray: Bucket resuming writes its own .vrimg output if other output format is set;
(*) V-Ray: Enable adaptive lights by default;
(*) V-Ray: Faster 2d displacement on machines with many cores;
(*) V-Ray: Faster rendering of proxies on many-core machines;
(*) V-Ray: Improve the HDR images loading speed;
(*) V-Ray: Make "1" a possible value for Geometry samples in Render Setup;
(*) V-Ray: Remove limitation on parameters count for OSL and GLSL shaders;
(*) V-Ray: Restore the 3ds Max project folder after DR render;
(*) V-Ray: Rework post-effects pipeline to avoid Lens effects overriding the denoised image in particular;
(*) V-Ray: Right-click on parameters' spinners should reset them to the default values instead of zero for most of V-Ray plugins;
(*) V-Ray: The light grid for adaptive lights does not take specular light contributions into account;
(*) V-Ray: Move the VRayDenoiser "progressive update frequency" in the System rollout;
(*) V-Ray/V-Ray RT: The progressive sampler should finish the current pass when the given "Render time" is surpassed;
(*) V-Ray: Add control for panoramic pole merging for stereoscopic rendering (V-Ray RT MAXScript properties .top_merge_angle .bottom_merge_angle);
(*) V-Ray/V-Ray RT: Draw the alpha channel during the undersampling phase of the progressive sampling;
(*) V-Ray: Dome light minor speed optimization;
(*) V-Ray: Display warning when "View navigation" in ActiveShade is selected without looking through camera;
(*) V-Ray: Increase the tooltip display times in the render settings;
(*) V-Ray: Remove the interpolated reflections/refractions options;
(*) V-Ray: Set the default value for the dynamic noise threshold for the progressive sampler to 80;
(*) V-Ray: Use adequate precision for render elements (full/half precision) in OpenEXR files;
(*) V-Ray: When using a dome light, matte objects have visible outlines unless GI environment is overridden with zero;
(*) V-Ray: Bundle License Server with the installation instead of the vrlservice.exe;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Add MAXScript callback when IPR completes rendering;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Production IPR should fill the VFB and react to changes in the VFB size and changes to render resolution;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Production IPR should react to changes in the render region in the VFB;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Track changes to node properties both V-Ray and user during IPR;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Track changes to the environment overrides in the render settings during IPR;
(*) V-Ray RT: ActiveShade should render with the current VFB resolution and should track changes to the VFB size;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add "Select object" and "Get object material" right-click options in the VFB;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add UI mode views switcher for V-Ray RT between Default and Advanced views;
(*) V-Ray RT: Allow irradiance map and light cache from saved file in ActiveShade;
(*) V-Ray RT: Apply resolution changes without restarting the rendering;
(*) V-Ray RT: Change mouse cursors for some of the right click modes during ActiveShade;
(*) V-Ray RT: Implement export of VRayToon;
(*) V-Ray RT: Implement the glossy Fresnel options;
(*) V-Ray RT: Improve random by render ID values generation for V-Ray RT and matched with VRayMultiSubTex;
(*) V-Ray RT: Make V-Ray RT to take the render state of the Laubwerk trees options, not the viewport;
(*) V-Ray RT: The "real zoom" feature is broken since beta 2;
(*) V-Ray RT: The IPR button in the VFB should work when V-Ray RT is the production renderer;
(*) V-Ray RT: VFB output file paths are not exported in .vrscene file;
(*) V-Ray RT: View navigation in ActiveShade VFB is too fast;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Ability to load precalculated Irradiance map GI cache files;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add a warning when users have Adaptive Lights and Shadows RE enabled;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Changes on materials with baked texture to be updated quicker;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Faster rendering of materials with bump maps;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Faster rendering of rounded edges texture;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Faster rendering with Bitmap output curves;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print the OpenCL Driver version in the log;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print the message about not having OCL devices env var as a info, not warning;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print warning when max sample level is set to 0;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print warning when there is a render element that's not supported on the GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Raise the number of rays per pixel when the number of active pixels is too low;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Solid reflective material getting alpha dropouts;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support VRayUserColor to be used for mapping channels;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for UVW coordinates type in VRaySamplerInfo render element;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support for the directionality attribute of the VRayLight in Plane mode;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Support the noise parameters for Gradient Ramp texture;
(*) VFB: Add a render stamp variable "noiseThreshold" for the reached noise threshold of the progressive sampler;
(*) VFB: Add command for VFB display control (vfbControl #show);
(*) VFB: Add toolbar button for copying the current channel to clipboard;
(*) VFB: Change the default values of the Lens Effects;
(*) VFB: Contrast curve should be applied in sRGB color space;
(*) VFB: Improve history images saving speed;
(*) VFB: Increase default VFB history maximum files count to 100 and the size on disk in MB to 10000;
(*) VFB: MAXScript commands to show/hide history and color corrections panels of the VFB;
(*) VFB: Move the history image compare buttons from the main toolbar to history toolbar;
continued in the next post...