V-Ray 3.60 is now available for download from our website, with support for 3ds Max 2018. Major features include full light select elements, hybrid CPU+GPU rendering, Cryptomatte support, as well as IPR improvements (right-click VFB menu to select objects, materials and focus distance, view navigation and real zoom etc), as well as IPR stability improvements.
A preview video of some of the new features is available here:
NOTE: If you use Forest Pack, you must update to the latest version (beta 5.3.4 or later).
As usual, we will have a patch release in a couple of weeks to fix some issues that turned up too late to make it into the official builds.
Build 3.60.01 (official) (20 June 2017)
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Support for 3ds Max 2018;
(*) V-Ray: Add "Full" mode for light select elements and made it the default setting;
(*) VRayCryptomatte: Initial implementation of Cryptomatte render element;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Add material/node picking in VFB;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Add right-click menu (real zoom, view navigation);
(*) V-Ray GPU CUDA: Added support for CPU rendering (c++/cpu device type);
(*) V-Ray GPU CUDA: Added support for NVIDIA NVLink;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add support for "Full" mode Light Select render element on GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Initial support for SSS in MDL;
(*) VFB: Ability to load progressive resumable files in the VFB;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Add the ability to override textures in MDL parameter initialization with V-Ray plugins;
Modified features:
(*) V-Ray: Add an option to include or exclude render elements in deep files;
(*) V-Ray: Add an option to save render elements in separate folders;
(*) V-Ray: Add more material types to the V-Ray toolbar "V-Ray Material" button;
(*) V-Ray: Add warnings and abort the rendering if it fails to read tile data from tiled OpenEXR file;
(*) V-Ray: Disable subpixel color mapping when using adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray: Distributed accumulation of the light contributions for adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray: Error in VRayLightLister script with VertexPaint modifier;
(*) V-Ray: Faster rendering of proxies and instances when Embree is enabled;
(*) V-Ray: Grey out "Motion blur samples" when "Use default moblur samples" is checked;
(*) V-Ray: If there is only one instance of a mesh in the scene, it should always be static geometry;
(*) V-Ray: Improve parsing of many small .vrscene files in a single scene;
(*) V-Ray: Improved error messages for writing raw OpenEXR files;
(*) V-Ray: Rename the "One voxel per mesh" option in the V-Ray mesh export dialog to "Optimize for instancing" and enable it by default;
(*) V-Ray: Take into account the 'Skip Existing Images' Max option when using V-Ray VFB;
(*) V-Ray: The default value for the "Dynamic memory limit" option should be 0 (unlimited);
(*) V-Ray: V-Ray lights should draw black in the viewports when disabled;
(*) V-Ray: VRayRawShadow/VRayShadows/VRayMatteShadows render elements are incorrect with adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Optimized scene updates;
(*) V-Ray IPR: React to changes in the render mask; - if turned on from the beginning;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add MaxScript option (vrayExportRTScene incrBaseFrame:true ...) for incremental .vrscene export;
(*) V-Ray RT: Improve memory usage when there are millions of instances in the scene;
(*) V-Ray RT: Remove "Coherent tracing" option from the UI;
(*) V-Ray RT: When rendering production we should notify the scene nodes for every frame;
(*) V-Ray GPU: VRayColor2Bump texture is no longer required in order to have bump with procedural textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Enable VRayClipper and VRayDirt to mutually respect each other;
(*) V-Ray GPU: OpenCL version supports AMD GPUs only;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Optimized Gradient and Gradient Ramp textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print a warning that GPU only supports bitmaps in VRayTriplanarTex;
(*) VFB: Add frame number to the Render history images details;
(*) VFB: Add overlay for active right click menu modes (Real Zoom, Select Object...);
(*) VFB: Enlarge arrows on flyout buttons as they are very hard to see;
(*) VRayAerialPerspective: Add primary visibility control to aerial perspective;
(*) VRayGLSL/VRayOSL: World to camera and camera to world transformations are wrong;
(*) VRayInstancer: Add support for AutodeskPointClouldMtl Multiplier option;
(*) VRayLightSelect: Renamed former modes to "Direct ..." to indicate they are concerning direct illumination only;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Add UI support for MDL parameter annotations;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Add support for object space;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Improve MDL error handling in case of unexpected parameters;
(*) VRayOSL: Support for alternative location of OSL include files;
(*) VRayProxy: Experimental implementation of proxy preview caching;
(*) VRayScatterVolumeMtl: Add a light multiplier parameter;
(*) VRayStereoscopic: Deep EXR output through Spherical Camera generates wrong Z value for objects behind camera plane;
(*) VRayTriplanarTex: Replace the "scale" parameter with "size" that will be dependent on the scene units;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Add an option to use environment variables in cache files paths;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Display the viewport label only when there is no cache loaded;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: New Bezier and Spline ramp points should follow the slope of the curve;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Option to disable the "Optimizing Volumetrics" rendering pre-pass;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Reduce the memory usage of the mesh preview and rendering;
(*) vdenoise.exe: Add an "-offset" option to make it easier to use Backburner;
(*) vdenoise.exe: Optimize vdenoise.exe hardware accelerated version;
(*) vrimg2exr.exe: Enable "Buffer size (in MB)" values of 0 and greater than 8000 in the GUI;
Bug fixes in the next post.
Best regards,
V-Ray 3.60 is now available for download from our website, with support for 3ds Max 2018. Major features include full light select elements, hybrid CPU+GPU rendering, Cryptomatte support, as well as IPR improvements (right-click VFB menu to select objects, materials and focus distance, view navigation and real zoom etc), as well as IPR stability improvements.
A preview video of some of the new features is available here:
NOTE: If you use Forest Pack, you must update to the latest version (beta 5.3.4 or later).
As usual, we will have a patch release in a couple of weeks to fix some issues that turned up too late to make it into the official builds.
Build 3.60.01 (official) (20 June 2017)
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Support for 3ds Max 2018;
(*) V-Ray: Add "Full" mode for light select elements and made it the default setting;
(*) VRayCryptomatte: Initial implementation of Cryptomatte render element;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Add material/node picking in VFB;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Add right-click menu (real zoom, view navigation);
(*) V-Ray GPU CUDA: Added support for CPU rendering (c++/cpu device type);
(*) V-Ray GPU CUDA: Added support for NVIDIA NVLink;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Add support for "Full" mode Light Select render element on GPU;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Initial support for SSS in MDL;
(*) VFB: Ability to load progressive resumable files in the VFB;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Add the ability to override textures in MDL parameter initialization with V-Ray plugins;
Modified features:
(*) V-Ray: Add an option to include or exclude render elements in deep files;
(*) V-Ray: Add an option to save render elements in separate folders;
(*) V-Ray: Add more material types to the V-Ray toolbar "V-Ray Material" button;
(*) V-Ray: Add warnings and abort the rendering if it fails to read tile data from tiled OpenEXR file;
(*) V-Ray: Disable subpixel color mapping when using adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray: Distributed accumulation of the light contributions for adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray: Error in VRayLightLister script with VertexPaint modifier;
(*) V-Ray: Faster rendering of proxies and instances when Embree is enabled;
(*) V-Ray: Grey out "Motion blur samples" when "Use default moblur samples" is checked;
(*) V-Ray: If there is only one instance of a mesh in the scene, it should always be static geometry;
(*) V-Ray: Improve parsing of many small .vrscene files in a single scene;
(*) V-Ray: Improved error messages for writing raw OpenEXR files;
(*) V-Ray: Rename the "One voxel per mesh" option in the V-Ray mesh export dialog to "Optimize for instancing" and enable it by default;
(*) V-Ray: Take into account the 'Skip Existing Images' Max option when using V-Ray VFB;
(*) V-Ray: The default value for the "Dynamic memory limit" option should be 0 (unlimited);
(*) V-Ray: V-Ray lights should draw black in the viewports when disabled;
(*) V-Ray: VRayRawShadow/VRayShadows/VRayMatteShadows render elements are incorrect with adaptive lights;
(*) V-Ray IPR: Optimized scene updates;
(*) V-Ray IPR: React to changes in the render mask; - if turned on from the beginning;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add MaxScript option (vrayExportRTScene incrBaseFrame:true ...) for incremental .vrscene export;
(*) V-Ray RT: Improve memory usage when there are millions of instances in the scene;
(*) V-Ray RT: Remove "Coherent tracing" option from the UI;
(*) V-Ray RT: When rendering production we should notify the scene nodes for every frame;
(*) V-Ray GPU: VRayColor2Bump texture is no longer required in order to have bump with procedural textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Enable VRayClipper and VRayDirt to mutually respect each other;
(*) V-Ray GPU: OpenCL version supports AMD GPUs only;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Optimized Gradient and Gradient Ramp textures;
(*) V-Ray GPU: Print a warning that GPU only supports bitmaps in VRayTriplanarTex;
(*) VFB: Add frame number to the Render history images details;
(*) VFB: Add overlay for active right click menu modes (Real Zoom, Select Object...);
(*) VFB: Enlarge arrows on flyout buttons as they are very hard to see;
(*) VRayAerialPerspective: Add primary visibility control to aerial perspective;
(*) VRayGLSL/VRayOSL: World to camera and camera to world transformations are wrong;
(*) VRayInstancer: Add support for AutodeskPointClouldMtl Multiplier option;
(*) VRayLightSelect: Renamed former modes to "Direct ..." to indicate they are concerning direct illumination only;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Add UI support for MDL parameter annotations;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Add support for object space;
(*) VRayMDLMtl: Improve MDL error handling in case of unexpected parameters;
(*) VRayOSL: Support for alternative location of OSL include files;
(*) VRayProxy: Experimental implementation of proxy preview caching;
(*) VRayScatterVolumeMtl: Add a light multiplier parameter;
(*) VRayStereoscopic: Deep EXR output through Spherical Camera generates wrong Z value for objects behind camera plane;
(*) VRayTriplanarTex: Replace the "scale" parameter with "size" that will be dependent on the scene units;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Add an option to use environment variables in cache files paths;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Display the viewport label only when there is no cache loaded;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: New Bezier and Spline ramp points should follow the slope of the curve;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Option to disable the "Optimizing Volumetrics" rendering pre-pass;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Reduce the memory usage of the mesh preview and rendering;
(*) vdenoise.exe: Add an "-offset" option to make it easier to use Backburner;
(*) vdenoise.exe: Optimize vdenoise.exe hardware accelerated version;
(*) vrimg2exr.exe: Enable "Buffer size (in MB)" values of 0 and greater than 8000 in the GUI;
Bug fixes in the next post.
Best regards,