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V-Ray 3.60 available for download

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  • V-Ray 3.60 available for download


    V-Ray 3.60 is now available for download from our website, with support for 3ds Max 2018. Major features include full light select elements, hybrid CPU+GPU rendering, Cryptomatte support, as well as IPR improvements (right-click VFB menu to select objects, materials and focus distance, view navigation and real zoom etc), as well as IPR stability improvements.

    A preview video of some of the new features is available here:

    NOTE: If you use Forest Pack, you must update to the latest version (beta 5.3.4 or later).

    As usual, we will have a patch release in a couple of weeks to fix some issues that turned up too late to make it into the official builds.

    Build 3.60.01 (official) (20 June 2017)

    New features:
    (*) V-Ray: Support for 3ds Max 2018;
    (*) V-Ray: Add "Full" mode for light select elements and made it the default setting;
    (*) VRayCryptomatte: Initial implementation of Cryptomatte render element;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Add material/node picking in VFB;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Add right-click menu (real zoom, view navigation);
    (*) V-Ray GPU CUDA: Added support for CPU rendering (c++/cpu device type);
    (*) V-Ray GPU CUDA: Added support for NVIDIA NVLink;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Add support for "Full" mode Light Select render element on GPU;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Initial support for SSS in MDL;
    (*) VFB: Ability to load progressive resumable files in the VFB;
    (*) VRayMDLMtl: Add the ability to override textures in MDL parameter initialization with V-Ray plugins;

    Modified features:
    (*) V-Ray: Add an option to include or exclude render elements in deep files;
    (*) V-Ray: Add an option to save render elements in separate folders;
    (*) V-Ray: Add more material types to the V-Ray toolbar "V-Ray Material" button;
    (*) V-Ray: Add warnings and abort the rendering if it fails to read tile data from tiled OpenEXR file;
    (*) V-Ray: Disable subpixel color mapping when using adaptive lights;
    (*) V-Ray: Distributed accumulation of the light contributions for adaptive lights;
    (*) V-Ray: Error in VRayLightLister script with VertexPaint modifier;
    (*) V-Ray: Faster rendering of proxies and instances when Embree is enabled;
    (*) V-Ray: Grey out "Motion blur samples" when "Use default moblur samples" is checked;
    (*) V-Ray: If there is only one instance of a mesh in the scene, it should always be static geometry;
    (*) V-Ray: Improve parsing of many small .vrscene files in a single scene;
    (*) V-Ray: Improved error messages for writing raw OpenEXR files;
    (*) V-Ray: Rename the "One voxel per mesh" option in the V-Ray mesh export dialog to "Optimize for instancing" and enable it by default;
    (*) V-Ray: Take into account the 'Skip Existing Images' Max option when using V-Ray VFB;
    (*) V-Ray: The default value for the "Dynamic memory limit" option should be 0 (unlimited);
    (*) V-Ray: V-Ray lights should draw black in the viewports when disabled;
    (*) V-Ray: VRayRawShadow/VRayShadows/VRayMatteShadows render elements are incorrect with adaptive lights;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Optimized scene updates;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: React to changes in the render mask; - if turned on from the beginning;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Add MaxScript option (vrayExportRTScene incrBaseFrame:true ...) for incremental .vrscene export;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Improve memory usage when there are millions of instances in the scene;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Remove "Coherent tracing" option from the UI;
    (*) V-Ray RT: When rendering production we should notify the scene nodes for every frame;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayColor2Bump texture is no longer required in order to have bump with procedural textures;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Enable VRayClipper and VRayDirt to mutually respect each other;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: OpenCL version supports AMD GPUs only;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Optimized Gradient and Gradient Ramp textures;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Print a warning that GPU only supports bitmaps in VRayTriplanarTex;
    (*) VFB: Add frame number to the Render history images details;
    (*) VFB: Add overlay for active right click menu modes (Real Zoom, Select Object...);
    (*) VFB: Enlarge arrows on flyout buttons as they are very hard to see;
    (*) VRayAerialPerspective: Add primary visibility control to aerial perspective;
    (*) VRayGLSL/VRayOSL: World to camera and camera to world transformations are wrong;
    (*) VRayInstancer: Add support for AutodeskPointClouldMtl Multiplier option;
    (*) VRayLightSelect: Renamed former modes to "Direct ..." to indicate they are concerning direct illumination only;
    (*) VRayMDLMtl: Add UI support for MDL parameter annotations;
    (*) VRayMDLMtl: Add support for object space;
    (*) VRayMDLMtl: Improve MDL error handling in case of unexpected parameters;
    (*) VRayOSL: Support for alternative location of OSL include files;
    (*) VRayProxy: Experimental implementation of proxy preview caching;
    (*) VRayScatterVolumeMtl: Add a light multiplier parameter;
    (*) VRayStereoscopic: Deep EXR output through Spherical Camera generates wrong Z value for objects behind camera plane;
    (*) VRayTriplanarTex: Replace the "scale" parameter with "size" that will be dependent on the scene units;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Add an option to use environment variables in cache files paths;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Display the viewport label only when there is no cache loaded;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: New Bezier and Spline ramp points should follow the slope of the curve;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Option to disable the "Optimizing Volumetrics" rendering pre-pass;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Reduce the memory usage of the mesh preview and rendering;
    (*) vdenoise.exe: Add an "-offset" option to make it easier to use Backburner;
    (*) vdenoise.exe: Optimize vdenoise.exe hardware accelerated version;
    (*) vrimg2exr.exe: Enable "Buffer size (in MB)" values of 0 and greater than 8000 in the GUI;

    Bug fixes in the next post.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

  • #2
    Bug fixes:
    (*) V-Ray: Adaptive light artifacts with low LC subdivs;
    (*) V-Ray: Artifacts with VRayEnvironmentFog and adaptive lights in certain situations;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash when rendering VRayFur on Body Object through VRayPhysicalCamera (3ds Max 2016 and earlier);
    (*) V-Ray: Crash when updating textures with external programs while ActiveShade is running;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash with Data Channel modifier Curvature operator;
    (*) V-Ray: Faceted shading when using standard lights with VRayShadow with big area shadow size and Box type;
    (*) V-Ray: First atmospheric effect result is applied twice if the next effect is aerial perspective with active set to false;
    (*) V-Ray: Incorrect reflective caustics on matte surfaces;
    (*) V-Ray: Object's Subdivs multiplier has no effect for VRayFur, Ornatrix and ForestPro;
    (*) V-Ray: Progressive sampler memory usage increases with each resumed frame;
    (*) DR: There are files generated in the folder "c:\user\vlado" on DR render servers;
    (*) VRayHDRI: VRayHDRI with "Ground projection" is not correctly projected on a plane that exactly coincides with the VRayHDRI ground;
    (*) V-Ray: Wrong environment mapping in reflections of matte objects;
    (*) V-Ray: Wrong render of V-Ray lights in Render mask Layer mode;
    (*) V-Ray: Wrong render progress during loading and saving progressive resumable files;
    (*) V-Ray: Zero render image dimensions are set when rendering with 3ds Max frame buffer and VFB region is set;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Removing modifier from an object breaks the "Override mtl";
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Canceling copying of textured light causes crash in specific scene;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Crash when switching layers on and off during IPR;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Crash with XRef materials in 3ds Max 2017 after opening the Material Editor and selecting new object during IPR;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: IPR didn't stop when the VFB was closed;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Random rendering start failure;
    (*) V-Ray IPR: Wrong 2D displacement with scene manipulations;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Add VRayToon "invert" parameter to the export of render element;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Animated texmap output amount is not rendered correctly in animations with production rendering;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Artifact with direct lights and VRayEnvironmentFog;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Artifact with volume grid and direct lights with shadow radius enabled;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Changing the sampling parameters during interactive rendering breaks the sampling;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Crash when opening the Material Editor with bitmap textures during ActiveShade session;
    (*) V-Ray RT: DR server may become unusable if the file stream reception from the client is interrupted;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Disappearing geometry with VRayLightMtl and Direct Illumination on during ActiveShade session;
    (*) V-Ray RT: GLSL textures do not render;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Missing first segment of RailClone object rendered with DR;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Rendering never finishes when rendering animation with DR and no local host;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Resumable rendering overwrites the render elements separate saved images for the skipped frames with the last frame's ones;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Scenes with animated lights crash on second frame when rendered in production with DR;
    (*) V-Ray RT: The "static geometry" option of VRayDisplacementMod is not exported properly when the displacement mode is "subdivision";
    (*) V-Ray RT: The first frame of animated FOV in PhysicalCamera renders wrong;
    (*) V-Ray RT: VRayLightMtl Direct illumination subdivisions are not taken into account;
    (*) V-Ray RT: VRayToon causes refraction fog color rendered more intense;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Wrong progress bar with Production rendering;
    (*) V-Ray RT: Rendering is restarted when OCIO is enabled/disabled in the VFB;
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      More bug fixes:
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Adaptive Lights are not updated after change in region/resolution during ActiveShade;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Adaptive Lights space is always allocated even when adaptive lights are disabled;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Add support for arbitrary clipper exclude list items;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: affect_alpha for dome light does not work for refraction rays;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Animation stuck on the third frame in specific scene (out of process);
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Artifact in the zenith of the sky with VRayAerialPerspective;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayBlendMtl material not rendered with OpenCL rendering;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: CUDA clamps VRayLightMtl with assigned VRayColor;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Camera lens distortion is not working when motion blur is ON;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Camera position is not updated when using a Camera Map Per Pixel map in a scene with an animated camera;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Cant make bump working with rounded edges and composite tex in max;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with particular scene in V-Ray GPU in Max;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with render to texture in Max;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with shared VRayEdges textures between materials in specific scene;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Different results with VRayClipper and "Camera rays only" option enabled;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Dome light is visible in the alpha through matte object with opacity;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Driver 380+ causes some scenes to render bitmaps with wrong UV;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: GI is calculated in with RT GPU mode, even when OFF;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: GPU LightCache reports increasing memory usage between frames when rendering animation;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: GPU renders black when BRDFVRayMtl::fresnel=1;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Gradient color changes in VRaySoftBox are not handled properly;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Improve triangle intersection precision;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Installer should set CUDA_CACHE_MAXSIZE to at least 256MB;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Memory leak with VRayMDLMtl;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Objects with VRayOverrideMtl and "Visible to camera" off are still rendered in RT GPU;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: OpenCL renders black in active shade after a scene change;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Rare crash when rendering with "on-demand mip-mapped textures";
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Reduce CPU usage when RT is paused;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: RT GPU (CUDA) doesn't render BRDFVRayMtl fog color texture;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Reflection/Refraction are not matte when rendered with RT CUDA;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Remove double adding to normals RE;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Sometimes V-Ray may enter a deadlock when rendering with CUDA;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Sphere lights with animated scale crash when rendered with motion blur;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Stage 2 error with Forest Pack scene;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Take into account the UVW generator when baking textures;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: TexAColorOp in "power" mode not working as expected;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Textures are not rendered if the filename contains the "$" symbol;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: The "Color opacity" option has been suspended by V-Ray GPU mode;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: The "Use pixel aspect" button in the VFB doesn't work when rendering with GPU;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: The VFB is not getting reset after AL are built for GPU in Production rendering;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayDenoiser produces artifacts on VRayProxy in the denoised result when DR;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayDirt with bias is flickering in animations;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayPhysicalCamera optical vignetting is not rendered with CUDA;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayTriplanarTex was not rendered correctly with tiled UVs greater than 1;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Washed out effect of Soft Light blending in Composite texture;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Wrong alpha channel with VRayLights with Directional parameter above 0.0;
      (*) V-Ray GPU: Wrong progress bar with GPU Production rendering;
      (*) VFB: All flyout buttons are not expandable during post-effect calculations;
      (*) VFB: CC sliders' numeric value edit boxes are not scaled properly on HiDPI screens;
      (*) VFB: Compare A/B feature of the VFB creates white lines artifacts;
      (*) VFB: Middle button panning gets disabled when there is the Pixel Info window open;
      (*) VFB: Panning out of the VFB with "real zoom" on sticks;
      (*) VFB: Pixel info shows values for the wrong image when Compare A|B is swapped;
      (*) VFB: effectsResult channel is created even in create Render Elements only mode;
      (*) VRayALSurfaceMtl: Not working with VRayLightSelect render element;
      (*) VRayClipper: Missing shadows with dynamic geometry;
      (*) VRayClipper: Unhandled exception when mesh type clipper is used with 3ds Max standard lights and shadows;
      (*) VRayDirt: Crash when copying exclude lists, containing deleted nodes, through MaxScript;
      (*) VRayDirt: Exclude lists stop working properly after some modifications;
      (*) VRayDisplacementMod: Crash during rendering;
      (*) VRayFur: Crash when rendering VRayFur placed on Body objects defined by splines (with any camera and from viewport);
      (*) VRayHDRI: Textures with "Ground projection" enabled are not correct on matte objects when visible through reflection;
      (*) VRayInstancer: Differences in scale between Particle Flow rendering natively and instanced;
      (*) VRayInstancer: Export to .vrmesh of objects with large number of instances never completes;
      (*) VRayInstancer: VRayInstancer does not render materials with bitmaps properly on the instanced geometry;
      (*) VRayLightMeter: Light meter object cannot be picked;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Crash after scene reset;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Exporting and rendering a scene causes crash with out-of-process V-Ray RT;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Hard-coded textures in MDL materials render black;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Index of refraction calculations are broken;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Loading a mdl file after mdl_filename has been cleared through MaxScript crashes 3ds Max;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Material parameters of enum types are not overridden;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Materials with df::tint modifier have wrong shadows;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: NaNs are generated when shading degenerated faces;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Not exported when inside a blend material;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Opacity maps cause rendering artifacts;
      (*) VRayMDLMtl: Stopping a render, resetting the scene and rendering again causes unhandled exception;
      (*) VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: Random crash on opening the Compact material editor;
      (*) VRayProxy: Wrong Face IDs with Alembic meshes;
      (*) VRaySamplerInfo: Broken normals with VRayMtl;
      (*) VRayScatterVolumeMtl: Renders too dark;
      (*) VRayScene: Crash on rendering end;
      (*) VRayScene: Nodes with modified material in Snippet editor disappear in V-Ray RT renders;
      (*) VRaySphere: Nested refractive spheres don't get intersected correctly;
      (*) VRayToon: The toon effect does not respect trace sets;
      (*) VRayToon: VRayLight type Dome is completely covered with toon color in Orthographic renders;
      (*) VRayVRmatMtl: Unhandled exception when rendering with UDIM tiles;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Artifacts when rendering overlapping containers in Volumetric Geometry mode;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Black artifacts rendering with Light Cache when the container is inside refractive geometry with gray fog color;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Can't use Stoke MX Field_texmap to control the smoke opacity channel;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Exporting a .vrscene with VRayVolumeGrid calculates light and particle pre-passes;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: First frame is skipped when looped;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Opening a cache file with a negative frame index does not load the rest of the sequence;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: The "Loop Overlap" option is not exported to V-Ray RT and .vrscene from 3ds Max;
      (*) VRayVolumeGrid: VRScenes exported from 3ds Max always have Probabilistic Volumetrics forced On;
      (*) V-Ray Light Lister: Grouped lights are not displayed;
      (*) vdenoise.exe: Denoising on GPUs fails in a specific situation;

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        thanks vlado and team. another huge update!


        • #5
          how far is the maya version away.?

          Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram


          • #6
            The 3.6 version for Maya will be released shortly after Maya 2018 is released.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              !! Cryptomatte !! - are you telling me I need to update 3dsmax... ahhhhh!
              Brendan Coyle |


              • #8
                Just checking if the workflow for the light select is correct. In the video one light is added and set to Full, press render and it lists all lights in the element drop down box. Was this bit sped up a split second and you still have to add an element per light. The video makes it seem like it will add all lights to their own element.. Just trying it out now
                Adam Trowers


                • #9
                  Nice release - new scary stuff to get our heads around.

                  Is nVidia link the same as SLI? - does SLI work, or do we know what cards or hardware we need for nVidia link?
         - Vray Mentor


                  • #10
                    nv link is only supported by the highend cards... and its not a SLI... its able to merge the Vram...
                    Last edited by oglu; 26-06-2017, 09:18 AM.
                    Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram


                    • #11
                      Cool beans Vlado, you guys rock!!
                      ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


                      • #12
                        I love how you keep a balance between QoL changes, often requested small additions and huge effin features.... well done! I'll wait a bit until I install though, you never know what kind of bugs made it to release :P
                        Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
                        3ds Max 2016 SP4
                        V-Ray Adv 3.60.04

                        Intel Core i7-4930K @ 3.40 GHz
                        NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (4096MB RAM)
                        64GB RAM



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by oglu View Post
                          nv link is only supported by the highend cards... and its not a SLI... its able to merge the Vram...
                          Looks like nVidia has found a way to arbitrarily make their expensive pro cards more useful than high end gaming cards!
                 - Vray Mentor


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JD3D_CGI View Post

                            Looks like nVidia has found a way to arbitrarily make their expensive pro cards more useful than high end gaming cards!

                            Well, I hope it ends up being fantastic...we'll see...



                            • #15
                              Loving the new "full" mode for VRayLightSelect! Now all we need is the ability to denoise render elements please...
                              Set V-Ray class properties en masse with the VMC script
                              Follow me for script updates: @ollyspolys

