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Controlling Point Cloud Per-Point Radius with Vertex Color Map?

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  • Controlling Point Cloud Per-Point Radius with Vertex Color Map?

    I can reference PLY files (with vertex colors embedded) into Max with the Ply2Vrmesh converter utility. I have used the vertex color channel to drive the opacity, luminosity, and other aspects of my clouds. However, it would really cool if I could somehow apply the vertex color channel to the rendered radius of the point, as well. All the points are currently the same size. I suspect is not possible within the material since point radius is established in the utility, but is there a workaround somehow? Is there a command I could put into Ply2VRmesh to change -pointwidthmultiplier based on one of the RGB channels, perhaps?
    Maybe something in the material editor, itself?
    Version: V-ray Next

  • #2

    the ply format is designed only for polygons and there is no point size channel. The tool supports other file formats that a capable of storing points like alembic and prt. I recommend to use them. They have a specialized point size channel which can be converted to *.vrmesh files.


