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Png Configurator

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  • Png Configurator

    Hi All,

    Does anyone have any experience compositing pngs of objects w/shadows to recreate a final render.
    I am working on producing a configurator that layers various png objects on top of a base layer room.

    The main issue is fidelity decay - the png and their shadows fail to match up to a full rendered version.

    The essential layout is a room in which the vanity and its shadow are swapped out and composited with a rendered background.

    Currently I am using a vray shadow catcher to capture the shadow and obviously the quality is not the same as a full rendered show with gi bounce, fill light etc.
    I am wondering if anyone has had any experience and maybe has used render passes to solve for higher fidelity.

    Looking for any thoughts!
    Last edited by tmbarker531; 02-10-2019, 09:03 AM.

  • #2
    For Reference - The image on the left is a png composite while the image on the right is the original render (excuse the pixiel quality)


    • #3
      Are you compositing in linear? What software are you compositing in? Why not exr files?


      • #4
        dgruwier Sorry, yes I am compositing EXR's within photoshop (being exported as pngs for web use)

        The central issue is that when I overlay a vanity within the scene the shadows and reflection are uncanny, I currently using a vray shadow matte catcher to get both the shadow and the alpha for the vanity shadow.
        I'm currently testing using the raw shadow pass as and alpha for the shadow and it seems to have its ups and downs.

        Looking for tips on how to transfer the quality of the vanity shadow on the right to a separate png (combined vanity model+shadow)
        Last edited by tmbarker531; 08-10-2019, 07:41 AM.


        • #5
          I'm running into a similar issue. Comping in Nuke/PS/etc. produce the same results. 32bit, 16bit, etc.

          Just in the VFB itself, there seem to be lighting discrepancies, and then when comping there are shadow and lighting discrepancies. The full render on the left has the hanging art exposed as we want it, but the render on the right is slightly overexposed, and the shadows when comping are considerably darker. Any insight would be appreciated.


          • #6
            You might get better results with the method described here:

            (the compositing part only)

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

