whenever I render to Vrays framebuffer instead of Max´s and use "crop" to render only part of the viewport, the image in the framebuffer gets really stretched....
I normally render to the standard max framebuffer, but ive been having problems with crashes when zooming / panning in that one so I thought it was time to start using vrays...
so, am I just overlooking some obvious setting? or does vrays framebuffer have a problem with viewport cropping?
whenever I render to Vrays framebuffer instead of Max´s and use "crop" to render only part of the viewport, the image in the framebuffer gets really stretched....
I normally render to the standard max framebuffer, but ive been having problems with crashes when zooming / panning in that one so I thought it was time to start using vrays...
so, am I just overlooking some obvious setting? or does vrays framebuffer have a problem with viewport cropping?