The concept is to push marshmallows in to chocolate.
I'm looking to use Vray Displacement Mod with Vray Distance Tex in the map slot to pick out the edges of the marshmallows intersecting the surface of the chocolate.
The chocolate has vray displacement on it and the DistanceTex is looking at the marshmallow poly. I have swapped the black and white colours for near and far for displacement to read the white as displacement.
This is working great but when I zoom in on my render I'm seeing the mesh poly as if the uvs are not being smoothed for some reason.
I can make the visible poly in the chocolate coming from the DistanceTex map smaller by adding poly into the marshmallows (in the DistanceTex reference) but I don't want to do that as it makes things too heavy. It also doesn't really sort the issue out.
I have tried to smooth the marshmallows using smooth mod, smooth and smooth30 in the ribbon, to no effect.
I have tried adding turbosmooth to the chocolate mesh and this does nothing. So narrowed down to the object being referenced in the DistanceTex.
Does anyone know what's going on here? I'm trying to avoid any baking as I want to make it streamlined to the scale this process to other models.
Attached are screenshot of the issue and my model.
Thank you in advance.
The concept is to push marshmallows in to chocolate.
I'm looking to use Vray Displacement Mod with Vray Distance Tex in the map slot to pick out the edges of the marshmallows intersecting the surface of the chocolate.
The chocolate has vray displacement on it and the DistanceTex is looking at the marshmallow poly. I have swapped the black and white colours for near and far for displacement to read the white as displacement.
This is working great but when I zoom in on my render I'm seeing the mesh poly as if the uvs are not being smoothed for some reason.
I can make the visible poly in the chocolate coming from the DistanceTex map smaller by adding poly into the marshmallows (in the DistanceTex reference) but I don't want to do that as it makes things too heavy. It also doesn't really sort the issue out.
I have tried to smooth the marshmallows using smooth mod, smooth and smooth30 in the ribbon, to no effect.
I have tried adding turbosmooth to the chocolate mesh and this does nothing. So narrowed down to the object being referenced in the DistanceTex.
Does anyone know what's going on here? I'm trying to avoid any baking as I want to make it streamlined to the scale this process to other models.
Attached are screenshot of the issue and my model.
Thank you in advance.