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A few question about DR - UPDATED May 31st

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  • A few question about DR - UPDATED May 31st

    Sorry for creating a new thread for some questions that may have been already answered, but here are they.

    Im' currently working on a project for an architectural bureau, everything is kinda going well except my fool boss want me to make a 3000 frame animation, with kinda like 10min frame time... reflection everywhere etc... he doesn't seem to get it right but heh, the renderfarm should allow me some higher rendering times.

    Basically the scene (I can't show it :s) has about 10 dome lights, I placed IES ones,working flawelessly, I put a vray light in the window as well as a direct light for sun to get more light inside.I have 2 problems, the general lighting doesn't seem bright enough, adjusting gamma works kinda good, but i'd like to have a rich white (though not pure white) on some walls, how can I enhance that, the material is just a white vraymat, without having to adjust in PS. So,

    a) should i rely only on postprod ?
    b) color mapping is linear multiply, should I concentrate on thet parameter?
    c) should I add somevray lights on the ceiling,including one aiming at the ceiling and including only it to enhance it's white color ?

    Already got some good whites in my personnal works but when it comes to my first vray work in my company, I feel completely beginner, nOOb, nothing . 2 monthes i didn't touch vray, hard to get back to it for me

    White walls has always been my problem...One of my biggest vray complex

    Other thing, when opening the scene,without textures the scenes opens,but with them, max just quits directly,memory problem ?
    When I tried at work with my machine connected to the renderfarm, lauching DR rendering just makes max crashwith that scene I'm sincerly lost.....


    Hi All ,

    thansk for your answers, everything is going pretty well, I'm now at the point of rendering the whole scene & still images... But I have one big problem, the scene is kinda heavy, lots of maps etc, I'm making the renderings in DR, so that i can finalize images one by one, the problem is that when I launch dr everything is going ok, except :

    1) sometimes a machine seems to miss the map while others don't ? could it be a problem of memory of the "blade" ? I've checked the textures pathes and all are accessible for every machine.

    2) When render is done, and that i'm happy, I launch another one and BOOOM, about 2<x<5 machines fail... do I have to restard every vray spawner each time ? I guess my way it to make a camera, with keyframes at each view then launch via backburner during next night.
    I hadn't that problem with my previous work but the scene was very simple. I guess it fails on me because of some problems, memory maybe again... dunno whatto do there.

    Best regards, thanks.

    Thanks in advance for the advices,
    best regards,

  • #2
    Everything is well or no? Your problem is only 3000 frame or render setting?
    I think that 3000 frame isn't a problem.
    if your problem is color bleeding you can control that with mtlwrap or right clic and put down the Gi of the principal emetter of color like ground.
    You can do that in post pro but take care to overbright, and if you have 3000 frame rendered I think that you can become crazy.
    have you try hsv or exponential?
    without image it's difficult to help you.


    • #3
      to brighten it up have you tried upping your colormapping? Also work to get your light tones correct then do a curves move to brighten it up in post.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        i usually prefer to use the saturation controls to tone down color bleeding. also if your worried about render time. have you checked to see the render times when using a saved irradiance map? since i assume in this office space you will be using a saved irradiance map for your fly through

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          some questions about DR up there, thank you


          • #6
            I have run into some similar problems with DR.

            Restarting the VRay Spawner or restarting the render server itself have been the only solutions I have found for a render server that falls out of line and misses maps, etc.

            As far as having machines fail on a subsequent render... Distributed computing is, by nature, pretty flakey. A fresh restart of all render servers and your desktop may alleviate odd behaviour like this. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do. [Sorry - that wasn't very helpful, was it?]

            I have found that cancelling a DR render is usually the root cause of these kinds of issues. Depending on the point at which I cancel and the type of GI I am using, it can be more or less devastating to my render servers. But, cancelling DR almost always results in server errors on subsequent renders. Does anyone know why this is (aside from my flakey comment about flakey distributed computing)?

            To take away some of the pain, there is another thread in the forum with some great information on stream-lining restarting the VRay Spawner on render nodes.

            Jeremy Eccles
            Senior 3D Visualization Specialist

            The HNTB Companies
            715 Kirk Drive
            Kansas City, Missouri 64105

