I'm working on making the transition from 1.09 to 1.47. I use VIZ 4 with DR (XP Pro). When using 1.09 I leave the distributed rendering settings dialog open so I can monitor my nodes. I can see the status and progress which is very useful. I can make changes to my render settings while rendering in preparation for the next render. I can also make changes to materials while the rendering process continues. In 1.47 I can't leave the settings dialog open. How do I know the status of the nodes? I can't make changes to settings or materials either. If I toggle to another app and try to return to the rendering in process I can't even switch back until the rendering is complete. Is this a VIZ 4 thing? Does anyone have a suggestion?
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Monitoring DR network
the only way really would be the ip addresses on each bucket to tell you which computers joined in
MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
stupid questions the forum can answer.
Are most people using the render strips option with backburner instead of DR with 1.47? In 1.09 it’s a common occurrence for a node to not join in for one reason or another. It’s easy to tell by looking at the settings dialog. Is DR in 1.47 much more stable so I don’t have to worry?