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Corona to VRay

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  • Corona to VRay


    After I use VRay Scene Converter to covert Corona scene to VRay, I get this error:

    unknown property: "overrideToneMapping" in $CoronaCamera001

    How to sovle this problem?
    Best regards,
    Jackie Teh

    3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
    AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090

  • #2
    Forgot to attached printscreen
    Attached Files
    Best regards,
    Jackie Teh

    3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
    AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090


    • #3
      In the Corona version i have, the parameter seems to have been renamed in MXS, without an alias.
      It's now called .colorMappingOverride
      You can do one of two things: edit the script yourself and rerun it, or wait for us to make the fix and then publish it (that will take longer, by virtue of us having to move the change through the necessary phases).
      Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

      The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
        In the Corona version i have, the parameter seems to have been renamed in MXS, without an alias.
        It's now called .colorMappingOverride
        You can do one of two things: edit the script yourself and rerun it, or wait for us to make the fix and then publish it (that will take longer, by virtue of us having to move the change through the necessary phases).
        Hi Lele,

        Thank you for your reply. May I know where can I find the script? I am using the vray scene convertor (right click menu) in this case.
        Best regards,
        Jackie Teh

        3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
        AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090


        • #5
          Uff, sorry for the late reply Jackie, i thought i had sent the message, but clearly i hadn't.
          The path to the file is in the maxscript editor toolbar (under programdata, and so on.).
          Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

          The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
            Uff, sorry for the late reply Jackie, i thought i had sent the message, but clearly i hadn't.
            The path to the file is in the maxscript editor toolbar (under programdata, and so on.).
            Thank you for your reply
            Best regards,
            Jackie Teh

            3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
            AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090


            • #7
              I just wanted to start another thread, but my problems are not far away from jackieteh, so I post it here.

              I also have some corona8 hotfix 2 -> vray6 hotfix2 conversion issues:

              Error 01:
              Unknown property: ​"mode" in Map #(mapname): CoronaMultiMap. (plz see attach error-01.jpg and error-01-detailsRandomExample.jpg )
              Every single mat, that has CoronaMultiMap inside, gives me the error.
              Temporary solution was for me - get rid of CoronaMultiMap​.

              Error 02:
              Unknown property: "overrideToneMapping". (plz see attach error-02.jpg)
              Exactly what jackieteh had.
              Temporary solution was for me - delete corona cameras

              Error 03:
              Argument count error: convertFrom_CoronaPhysicalMtl wanted 3, got 2
              Temporary solution was for me - also get rid of CoronaMultiMap​.

              Is there is a better way to solve Error 01 and Error 03?

              Hope this will be fixed soon.

              Best Regards
              Attached Files


              • #8
                please remove this message


                • #9
                  Please remove previous message, I have accidentally logged with another account.

                  Today I looked at the scene more detailed and found some very strange conversion results.
                  You can see the cases attached.

                  Object 01: corona legacy mat-> vray mat.
                  vray converter simply removed all diffuse nodes and created red color

                  Object 02: corona legacy mat-> vray mat.
                  same here - frontBack deleted, instead of thin walled + translucency improvement we get old fahion messy translucency material.
                  Also some strange pink color nodes with mix nodes created.

                  Object 03: corona legacy mat-> vray mat.
                  also here - frontBack deleted, some strange pink color nodes in bump slot created, translucency ignored.

                  This results are simply unusable, please improve the converter.
                  I have attached object 01 issues as pictures and another objects as zip because of 5 attachment limit.

                  Best Regards
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Some of the stuff you're trying to convert isn't supported, and that's why it's coming out with red or pink colors.
                    There's a table of the supported nodes, and their results, here:
                    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                      Some of the stuff you're trying to convert isn't supported, and that's why it's coming out with red or pink colors.
                      There's a table of the supported nodes, and their results, here:
                      Thanks for the info. Let's say we take as example Object 01.
                      may I ask you, what is the reason behind such "conversions"? CoronaRaySwitch -> vray color? why ?? only because Vray does not have override as map node?
                      The converter must convert, not destroy. If some nodes are not convertable for now, then they need to be skipped without cutting off all the stuff which was behind such nodes. Also, some warning should appear.

                      Object 02,03.
                      same situation here. Vray does not have FrontBack map (why? i) and converts this map to simple vray color node. All the nodes behind it are also ignored and get lost.

            ​ - on this page we have the information that CoronaMultiMap is converted to VrayMultiSubTex, but this does not work. (see my message #7)​.
                      There is also no info about CoronaColorCorrect node on that page.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Dart_Design; 07-10-2022, 02:43 AM.


                      • #12
                        Same issues here. Vray 6, Corona 8. Trying to convert a scene< scene is not very complicated, got error: "can't convert corona multimap" and after I click ok, 3ds max is shutting down with an unexpected error. I don't get this considering you got Corona and consequently make it closer to Vray. But completely ignore to make this converter work properly.


                        • #13
                          The crash is problematic, we'll look into it. If at all possible, keep the crashing scene ready, should we not be able to repro the crash locally.
                          This could be due to changes in the corona multimap properties, or other unintended issue on our side, or something local to your specific setup.

                          On perfect conversion: when Corona became part of the family, we promised at great user request to *not* make it a clone of V-Ray.
                          To have a 100% successful conversion we should have an 100% identical set of maps, and workflows, and that is counter to what we promised, and what we believe to be best for users of both camps.
                          Conversion is but a tool to help automate, it won't magically support what it cannot, and so, bugs aside, you should always check the compatibility table against your needs.
                          Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                          The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                          • #14
                            On perfect conversion: when Corona became part of the family, we promised at great user request *not* make it a clone of V-Ray
                            I got it. No one is expecting to produce two products identical. But do not overcomplicate things like writing another line of code for the specific event. We all understand that it is not easy to have this "specific line " written and not conflict with something else. But comparing the corona converter and vray converter, I only wish it would work better. Good luck.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                              On perfect conversion: when Corona became part of the family, we promised at great user request to *not* make it a clone of V-Ray.
                              Nobody wants that corona become a clone of vray. You can leave vray feature gaps "as is". At the first place, the customers want more consistent workflow between two engines at first. And proper converter plays a huge role here.

                              Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                              To have a 100% successful conversion we should have an 100% identical set of maps, and workflows, and that is counter to what we promised, and what we believe to be best for users of both camps.
                              Again, converters job is to convert. It must be smart and intelligent. Of course, it can not 100% be identical, but simply cut out all what is behind unsupported nodes is not a good solution. You can skip unsupported maps, but it is necessary to keep all the main nodes behind them.Currently, the converter has the same problematics as TX conversion.

                              Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                              Conversion is but a tool to help automate, it won't magically support what it cannot, and so, bugs aside, you should always check the compatibility table against your needs.
                              The goal of conversion is to save the time. When converter destroy the shaders and delete a lot of stuff without any warning messages, then it is simply no reason to use it.

                              Let's look even at latest official converter webpage:

                              What we have here ?

                              01. Just look at the supported materials and nodes list. (please, look at 01-comparison.jpg and 02-comparison.jpg in my attachment)
                              - it has completely chaotic order and look not like in 3ds max. Why ?
                              - some materials and a lot of nodes description are simply missing. Why ?
                              - there is no information about coronaLegacy material. Not all users know that it is pervious CoronaMaterial.
                              - unsupported, but listed nodes are converted as vray color. First question of all users is why and what is happening with child nodes? Threre is zero information about it.

                              02. There is zero information about current bugs and limitations. You expect that it will work fine, but it is not.
                              03. Does vray converter have any version number? how can we know that it got updated?

                              Sorry, but right now it looks as a technical table of facts without any descriptions, counterintuitive and user unfriendly.

                              I hope you can understand my comments and critics, and please don't take it personally. We just want to have a better products and workflows.
                              Best regards.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Dart_Design; 08-10-2022, 01:19 PM.

