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vray toon "affect result"

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  • vray toon "affect result"

    i can exclude/include objects from vraytoon in a number of ways (include/exclude list/by layer/with vrayproperties)

    however ive not figured out how to stop an object affecting the vraytoon on another object.?

    i hope i missed an easy trick.

    for example i have a stylised job, with toon outlines on everything.

    now i have added some fake volumetric "light cones" (think flashlight beam).. this is a geometry cone with some mapped gradient opacity, vray light mtl.

    these objects do not have toon outlines. this is easy...

    however, wherever the beam intersects another object with DOES have toon outlines, i get an intersection line in the vraytoon. this looks very bad.

    how to get the cone to be COMPLETELY ignored by vraytoon?

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. The only quick solution I can think of is if you have your object that you don't want to cast toon effect not renderable. I will test a bit more and get back to the thread.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
      Hi, thanks for posting. The only quick solution I can think of is if you have your object that you don't want to cast toon effect not renderable. I will test a bit more and get back to the thread.
      if its not renderable theres not much point rendering it


      • #4
        Hi! I've made some tests. While you have a geometry on which you are mapping a texture (light beam in your example), it will always create these lines where the intersection appears. The way you could avoid it is by creating a volume (cone in this case set to non-renderable from object properties), and add a Fog in it, and add a light including only the Fog. You could play with the light decay settings as well. In the image below, you could see the result I got.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          that is a method i considered, the renderimes are much slower, obviously. in the end the client ditched the light beams.

          but there will obviously be other situations where you don't want an object which is excluded from vraytoon to cause vraytoon lines on other objects.. it would be nice if there were proper include and exclude options. could it be added as a feature request?

          interface-wise, something as simple as another tickbox in the vrayproperties: "affect other vraytoon objects"
          Last edited by super gnu; 15-07-2023, 02:54 AM.


          • #6
            I will check further whether this is the desired result for other users as well. Thank you for your feedback.


            • #7
              have exactly the same problem !!
              On this 3D scene the transparent ground plane (double sided material, ground in the front material, transparent in the back material) and the screws intersect and black lines appear.
              However, I unchecked the "Vray Toon Oulines" box in the plane's Vray parameters. It doesn't change anything.
              I've only selected the 3D objects I need, except for the plane, and that doesn't work either.​

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture Vray erreur.jpg
Views:	169
Size:	68.3 KB
ID:	1200490

              as suggested by "super gnu", a checkbox "affect other vraytoon objects" or "exclude this object from the total VrayToon calculation" would be really great.

              i think, It's perhaps one of the only things missing from this effect to make it perfect.

              Have a good day


              • #8
                This is a total kludge and won't work for every scene but you can map the opacity of the VrayToon using a VrayDistanceTex map. Use the light cones in the OP or the plane in the previous post as the "Objects" in the VrayDistanceTex. Modify the "Distance" to match your vray toon and maybe add a Output map to adjust the hardness of the opacity map. A proper "Affect results" list would still be best though.
       - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                • #9
                  Excellent...I think you intoduced me to the word 'kludge' (maybe I knew it...maybe not...can't recall), which with further research is rather onomatopaeic, which is even more entertaining. Fun stuff, thanks.

                  Sorry, also an interesting workaround


                  • #10
                    Thank you for the suggestions. The idea is registered in our system under VMAX-13931. In general, it's not a trivial task.

