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Render result different betwen IPR and production render

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  • Render result different betwen IPR and production render

    Hi, chaos team

    Seens like I met a simple but weird problem. My render showed different results betwen IPR and Production render, V-Ray mesh lights with map that using V-RayDistance map node showed in IPR but disappeared in PR, image and files attachment below.

    Using V-Ray 6.2 for 3ds Max 2024.

  • #2
    My guess is the distancetex map isn't supported. although it appears to be when rendered with ipr.... i've been experiencing similar issues


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for posting and thanks for the scene.
      The scene renders same on my setup (3ds Max 2024.2, V-Ray CPU 6.2). Here is a gif from my VFB -

      You have layers with opacity set to "0". This is why some of the lights are off. If we set the layers to 100% the image looks like this both in IPR and production rendering:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2024-01-22_17-23-14.jpg
Views:	341
Size:	391.8 KB
ID:	1200370

      My guess is the distancetex map isn't supported.
      VRayDistanceTex is supported and works flawlessly in my test. Please rusteberg if you still have issues with your scene share them in your thread.
      Vladimir Krastev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        the issue is that stuff is rendering differently between ipr and production render.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
          You have layers with opacity set to "0". This is why some of the lights are off. If we set the layers to 100% the image looks like this both in IPR and production rendering:
          Hi, Vladimir, I really appreciate your reply.

          It's kinda interesting because I even download back my scene and retry, it didn't work. What I want to achieve is the alternating flashing effect of neon lights on a sign. Therefore, the opacity of each light is set sequentially to 100 (for example, red-green-blue). I'm very surprised by your results because even when I upload this task to my regularly used rendering farm, not a single frame in the 50-frame sequence can render this V-Ray Mesh Light. Moreover, in my original scene, there are more similar lights, and none of them can render in PR.( Also I've rendered sequence on my 3 different render station, both of them failed.)

          I upload a shot video might explain what I want to achieve better.


          • #6
            Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
            VRayDistanceTex is supported and works flawlessly in my test. Please rusteberg if you still have issues with your scene share them in your thread.
            it doesn't work here. see attached with ipr showing it and production render not showing it.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Originally posted by rusteberg View Post

              it doesn't work here. see attached with ipr showing it and production render not showing it.
              Yoo~, A MeshLight using a DistanceTex, seems like you reproduced my problem


              • #8
                New discover!

                I accidently put a PHX particle shader in the scene and the mesh light just showed up in PR, even there is not any PHX grid in scene and the shader is completely unrenderable.

                It sounds really weird and doesn't make any sense but it did work hahaha. I put another video and hope you guys can find out what is going on.


                • #9
                  Hi, I did more tests. Still no issues on my end. I am using 3ds Max 2024.2 and V-Ray 6.20.02.
                  Here is the same simple scene as in rusteberg test:
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2024-01-23_16-04-16.jpg
Views:	284
Size:	538.5 KB
ID:	1200484

                  Attached Files
                  Vladimir Krastev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    Hi, I managed to reproduce the issue. I had activated an environment variable that was left over from another test and it affected this one as well.
                    The issue is reported under VMAX-13925 in our bug tracking system. We will notify you when the fix is ready.
                    Vladimir Krastev |
                    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2024-01-23_16-04-16.jpg
Views:	284
Size:	538.5 KB
ID:	1200484
                      I'm really confused. I downloaded your scene and it still showed result like me and rusteberg's before, but once I put that PHX shader in the scene and it showed up.

                      Would you please let other dev on other computer try this again? That's really really WEIRD.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
                        Hi, I managed to reproduce the issue. I had activated an environment variable that was left over from another test and it affected this one as well.
                        The issue is reported under VMAX-13925 in our bug tracking system. We will notify you when the fix is ready.
                        Ohhh great, Thanks!


                        • #13
                          We posted at the same time. Please check my previous post.
                          Vladimir Krastev |
                          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                          • #14
                            I am seeing a similar problem with a distance tex not rendering correctly in PR vs IPR. It looks as it should in IPR, but not in PR. The weird part is that there is another distance tex material being used in the scene and it renders just fine in both! I have gone over the materials several times. Both are set in same exact way, except using different distance objects, of course. Like I said, it looks fine in IPR, so I know it is set correctly. I even tried GPU and it's the same outcome. This is maddening! I don't have time to try so many different ways to render! Please fix it.

                            Max 2024, VRay 6 Update 2.1

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	DistanceTex_IPR.jpg Views:	0 Size:	856.3 KB ID:	1213608

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	DistanceTex_PR.jpg Views:	0 Size:	2.80 MB ID:	1213607

