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Different irradiance map settings for different materials?

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  • Different irradiance map settings for different materials?

    Hi all,

    I am wondering how to setup different irradiance map settings for different materials/geometry? For example if I have a building, some grass and trees in a scene and I want to give each item or group of items different irradiance map settings how do I do this?

    Through interpolation within each material?

    Or is this a matter of rendering out each item as a separate pass and then compositing them together in Combustion/ other compositing program?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "DR or Die!"

  • #2
    You will have to composite them; currently V-Ray does not allow different irradiance map settings for different objects/materials.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Originally posted by vlado
      currently V-Ray does not allow different irradiance map settings for different objects/materials.
      Currently, so does this mean it will be available at some point?
      Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


      • #4
        Is that feature on the todo list, Vlado?


        • #5
          This would be really really a helpful feature !! An example... I recently had to render the exterior of a bus. Now some parts of the body had very fine
          splices. So I had to lower the gi treshold wich resulted in very long render times.Actually about 1 hour for an animation image (incremental add).
          The rest of the bus could have been rendered clean with a setup that renders
          about 15 minutes. Now the parts of the body that had these fine splices were connected to a lot of other parts and were seen from nearly every possible
          angle. It was impossible to render these parts seperate and compose them later. So I was forced to render 1 hour per frame to get a clean result.
          Having local GI controls or at least the possibillity to exclude some objects
          from finer passes would be fantastic


          • #6
            Ya, this would really be great having local irradiance controls. The reason I asked is because I was looking up the famous grass thread which I believe Metroberlin started and got the scene and rendered it and was tweaking it to my liking and then, of course, I thought well to get this scene to render quickly I need low settings and then if I have a building surrounded by the grass it will need much higher quality settings so hence my question. I was hoping I was just missing something but I guess not. Hope this will be part of 1.5!

            Thanks for all who responded!
            - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

            "DR or Die!"


            • #7
              Originally posted by samuel_bubat
              This would be really really a helpful feature !! An example... I recently had to render the exterior of a bus. Now some parts of the body had very fine
              splices. So I had to lower the gi treshold wich resulted in very long render times.Actually about 1 hour for an animation image (incremental add).
              The rest of the bus could have been rendered clean with a setup that renders
              about 15 minutes. Now the parts of the body that had these fine splices were connected to a lot of other parts and were seen from nearly every possible
              angle. It was impossible to render these parts seperate and compose them later. So I was forced to render 1 hour per frame to get a clean result.
              Having local GI controls or at least the possibillity to exclude some objects
              from finer passes would be fantastic
              For now you could try the 'use ir map' option in the vraymaterial (uncheck it). That way these fine details would be rendered with qmc GI and the rest with IR map.
              Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


              • #8
                Interresting. Thank you !! Never really noticed that option.
                Sounds good.. I will make some tests

