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global multiplier for displacement modifier edge length

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  • global multiplier for displacement modifier edge length

    im not sure if this is a feature request, or if anyone knows a script?

    ive got load of objects in my scene with displacement, it was rendering fine, but bumping up to production resolution and i get a crash with the embree accelerator.

    i manually have to change all the edge lengths to something reasonable for the resolution.

    i use soublurn scripts to select all the objects with the modifier on, but i still have to change them all manually.

    any suggestions?

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. If you are using the displacement slot of your VRayMtl then you can control the displacement globally through here:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1gmv_2tlFVu4kSKdRNF6oW3250wIAIJPo&authuser=0.png
Views:	101
Size:	47.5 KB
ID:	1217788
    If you are using multiple VRayDisplacementMod that are not instanced you may need a script to go trough all of them.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      hi, thanks for the reply, im not using the displacement slot, a lot of these are imported megascans assets which automatically apply the displacement modifier. I also find the modifier gives more control, so it is always my preference.

      any tips on a suitable script would be most appreciated.

      please not i dont wish to set a single edge length for everything, thats very inefficient as i have a large expanses of water and tarmac, that do not need fine subdivision and kill my pc if it has a short edge length... however i have smaller objects that really need extra detail.

      i wish to apply a multiplier to all the existing values.


      • #4
        For mass changing anything ever in 3ds Max > Modifier modifier Zorb: Modifier Modifier Zorb | ScriptSpot


