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Using a falloff map to mask rock faces on a terrain mesh

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  • Using a falloff map to mask rock faces on a terrain mesh

    Hi, I think I'm missing something.

    I have a terrain mesh created in Gaea and I want to apply a Blend material to it. I have a nice rocky sand as my base layer and wanted to add a rock material in one of the coat layers using a Falloff map with Towards/away & World Z-Axis. Both materials have displacement (the displacement modifier is set to 'Use object material')
    It does apply the rock to the more vertical faces of the mesh, but it also applies it to the rocky sand material's vertical displacement.

    So, where the little stones and rocks that are part of the material and are displaced, they're getting picked up by the Falloff map and having the rock material applied to it.

    How do I get it to ignore the displacement from the base material?


  • #2
    If I get what you want to do, does this setup help to show what you want?
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I forgot to mention that I want it to be a procedural material, as per the Jonas tutorial

      When I do it I get this effect.

      Maybe he simply chose materials that were similar to each other, so the effect isn't noticeable.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	displacement & falloff.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	374.0 KB
ID:	1228101


      • #4
        You need to use a mask to separate the two textures, as I showed. You should then get the desired effect.
        You can post your scene if you like and I or someone else can look to see if there's anythng else weird going on with the setup, though it's pretty staightforward as
        a method

