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It's NOT the glass!

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  • It's NOT the glass!

    Hi all,
    recently I posted a couple of threads about problems with my scene, such as luminance variations and expecially rendertimes increasing drastically.

    Someone else did post similar threads, about very long render times for apparently simple scenes. Remember the one about how to render glass faster?

    Well, it's not the glass. Nor the GI. Nor the gazzilion spot lights I used in one scene.

    But, whatever it is, you can maybe fix it by merging the scene file in a new file.

    That is what happened twice to me, in the last couple of months.
    Scenes I have been working for several days already, all of a sudden would become unrenderable. 45 minutes per NTSC frame. crazy.

    Another still would take 2 days, when untill then it would render in less than an hour.

    Merging the scene solved it all, for different scenes, on different systems.

    It appears it "purges" the scene of whichever problem arises which makes the scene much slower to render.

    I know this must be an advice for newbbies, but still, when things gets "strange" and hard to render, merge the geometry into a new file. Then add the lights, maybe in two or tree passages. (not all at once).

    Then reopen your v-ray settings.

    I am not sure yet what is responsible for this slowdowns, if non v-ray materials that after awhile trigger this behaviour, or if it is MAX that self-corrupts the scene after awhile it has been worked on...Hard to tell.

    Thank you



  • #2
    yes I had similar cases, allthough you dont need to merge scenes but it is an option. You can simply switch vray to scanline renderer and back. That should solve it.
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #3
      Powerfully weird


      • #4
        hmm...switching renderer back and forth...interesting.

        So, Morbid, you think it could be a v-ray related problem after all?



        • #5
          well i had issues where all of the sudden all my objects became to have grayish tint to them...straight out of nowhere. All was fine then in many scenes this has happened. I turned all lights off, gi off etc render and all objects grey. Shaders are fine etc. I went switch vray to scanline and back and all went good......
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #6
            I just had this same or sim problem. Old file that had been fine, then yesterday it crashes on every render (mem error) even had a bitmap filter error and having just that file open used 1.4 gigs of ram. I merged everything and it's rendering away fine.

