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moving objects animation ...render settings

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  • moving objects animation ...render settings

    Hi all
    we have finished a long animation project and although our customer like it , i know it was to noisy.
    there are 2 quicktime movies attached :
    both of them we rendered the bed and floor on 1 layer and the room on a second layer and the comped them.
    the room was rendered with pre calc irr map + lc and and it wasn't bad.

    we rendered it with irr map + lc on single mode , look at all the noise and flickering especially where the mattress is near the construction of the bad. (right click and download it)
    the settings for that movie are

    I've tried a test render based on qmc + lc , i used the same lc settings and default settings for qmc. aa on this one was adaptive qmc 1,4.
    on this one it was more noise but a different kind of ...maybe a bit more steady.(it also turn out darker but that can be fixed by increasing the primary gi multilayer).
    can someone please help me / us get a clean render without getting much higher render times.
    would be nice to get chaos response to this and publish some kind of settings and method that is recommended by them.
    those kind of noise and flickering is something you can only fight when you have time for a project , not on a tight deadline that you have to finish the render on weekend.
    BTW time per frame was around 10 Min's on a x2 4200 1g node.
    i hope this post will be informative for all of us.
    Best regards

  • #2
    Hi Gili
    what were your qmc Global setting?


    • #3
      everithing on qmc was vray's default settings.


      • #4
        you could try reducing the noise thres in the QMC rollout, but it will increase the rendertime.
        There are some good noise reducers for animations around, there was a thread somewhere about them.
        Chris Jackson


        • #5
          usually when people are rendering animations they are faces with two problems;
          1 - if to use irradience map for animated object then interpolation between samples has to be so high that the render time will be very long to get noiseless animation.
          2 - if to use qmc then noise becomes an issue and higher settings are needed to get rid of it. Which also results in the higher render times.

          Unfortinantly there is no simple way to get good noise free animation and keep the render times in area of 10-15 min as many expect. I use qmc, and my render times range from 20-30-1h-5h-10h/frame. With some extreme cases ofcourse.

          One way, although time consuming could be baking. If you are able to bake most of the lighting into your interrior then all you have to worry is some areas where shadows might interact, that could be done with dome light or vray area light as a separate pass.
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Morbid Angel
            ... there is no simple way to get good noise free animation and keep the render times in area of 10-15 min as many expect. I use qmc, and my render times range from 20-30-1h-5h-10h/frame. With some extreme cases ofcourse
            I think that is a problem for most of us users without a big render farm.
            i would appreciate some help and advice from chaos.


            • #7
              i get good results with IRmap medium animation setting including blur Gi on standard setting.

              turn off secondary GI.
              fake with some fill lights if necessary.

              hemispheric subdiv 50 / 50.
              when i have a lot of motion and blur i lower that to 30 / 30

              everything else on standard settigs.
              works fine for me.
              Reflect, repent and reboot.
              Order shall return.


              • #8
                I don't trust that blur gi anymore , i will try it later this week but with blur gi set to 0
                ty Tammo


                • #9
                  I want to thank Natty who took this file and changed some settings...
                  ty Natty...
                  Here are the new settings

                  and here is the new render
                  There is still some noise visible in the area i've marked on this pic :

                  what else do you think may improve this result?
                  frames rendered on a 4200 x2 with 1g ram at around 5.5 Min's per frame(very fast)
                  I've tried rendering it again with global subs = 3 on the qmc but it didn't improve the results , i think that a little more tweaking and it will be perfect preset for moving object animation (it can be called Natty's-way).
                  So tell me what else do you think i can change to make it a good render.


                  • #10
                    Hi Gili

                    did you try lowering the Noise Threshold to 0.002 or 0.001 ?
                    also try upping the lightcache to 1000 or something like that.. because we got the times down but increased the quality, you have room to further increase and refine the settings a little.


                    • #11
                      Also is that a bump you have on the edge of the matress ? .. try rendering without it.


                      • #12
                        i see your dist thresh is 0.1 usually my settings for those 3 settings are all 0.3

                        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                        stupid questions the forum can answer.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Da_elf
                          i see your dist thresh is 0.1 usually my settings for those 3 settings are all 0.3
                          I see its set to 0.5...
                          natty any comment on that?
                          will try the noise threshold reduced and lightcache increased.


                          • #14
                            yeah. i ididnt see that. i think my eyeball came off somewhere when hitting my head into the keyboard

                            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                            stupid questions the forum can answer.


                            • #15
                              So far the tutorial on moving objects animation in the help index describes the most efficient way to do that.

                              Best regards,
                              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

