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Vray Frame Buffer

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  • Vray Frame Buffer

    Ok, its time I start using and "understanding" the Vray FB.

    At the risk of sounding ignorant,

    First question is on the Vrayimage file type. I understand that it conserves memory durring rendering, but how do you open it? What program recognized this file type?

    Second, Lets say I have an object in a scene that I want to break down the elements on, I can get the Shadows light etc.. but if I want to render out the alpha channel of the object, do I use the material ID channel or the alpha channel? When I tried these two methods, I get either all black or all white output. (ex. A tree that I want an alpha channel of to use as a cut-out in Photoshop. I know I could render this out separate using scan line, but I'm assuming there is way to do it in the Vray FB)

    Third, EXR is not in my list of file types. I'm using Viz, this must be a Viz-Max thing. Can anyone confirm?


  • #2
    Hi BBullo

    You should be able to open .vrimg files in Viz. Under the file menu, select 'view image file' you should then be able to save it in any format. That's how you can do it in Max.

    The alpha channel should work for your second question. I thought the alpha channel was created automatically but you need to save the image in a file format that can have an alpha, ie .png or .tif.

    There used to be a free plugin on the OpenEXR web site, As far as I know only Max 8 can open and save .exr files natively.

    Dan Brew


    • #3
      OK, thanks for clearing that up.

      On the second question about alpha channels. What if its more complicated than geometry against the background. Like a row of trees in front of a building(muliple peices of geometry) and I just want to extract the trees out of the rendering. I thought you would be able to do this using the Material ID, but I must be missing something because I can't get it to work.


      • #4
        you could try object ID

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          Da Elf,

          first of all I have to say nice avatar.
          The disturbing part is we can all relate to it in way.

          Are you saying ObjectID through scanline? There is no Object ID under my Vray G-Buffer window.

