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Unhandled rules of thumb ?

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  • Unhandled rules of thumb ?

    Hi, I am getting the old unhandled exception fun when rendering an irradiance sequence for an animation.

    Just wondering - is it better to:

    A. Strip out everything the camera will not see and effectively reduce the geometry load in the scene

    B. Play with the VRay and max properties to change whether the proxies receive shadows, cast shadows - that sort of thing - or

    C. A mixture of both - but if it is a mixture of both, what am I aiming for ? A smaller face count, smaller memory usage by max ??

    Light settings and bitmaps are optimised - I have inceased the Dynamic memory limit to 3gb as the model takes up 1gb therefore maxing out my 4gb limit. Don't have displacement or motion blur. I do have alot of trees, cars, bushes, furniture and railings in the scene - most are proxied but have opacity and glossies in their textures.

    Is there any way of telling in the VRay log if there is something specific that is causing the ram usage?

    Any help would be fantastic


  • #2
    Re: Unhandled rules of thumb ?

    A. Strip out everything the camera will not see and effectively reduce the geometry load in the scene

    Bad move - you may find that things off camera have an effect on the gi in your scene so your solution will be incorrect when you render images. Also if you have an object off cmaera with a bad gi solution, it may appear in on camera reflections and you'll see the fuckups.

    B. Play with the VRay and max properties to change whether the proxies receive shadows, cast shadows - that sort of thing

    Possibly, it depends on how major the objects are.

    C. A mixture of both - but if it is a mixture of both, what am I aiming for ? A smaller face count, smaller memory usage by max ??

    Both are really achieving the same thing in different ways, lower memory usage overall. Again layering things based on distance from the camera is a good idea but that depends on whether your camera swoops from far away to up close on an object - if it stays small in the background then cheats and cards ahoy.

    Light settings and bitmaps are optimised - I have inceased the Dynamic memory limit to 3gb as the model takes up 1gb therefore maxing out my 4gb limit. Don't have displacement or motion blur. I do have alot of trees, cars, bushes, furniture and railings in the scene - most are proxied but have opacity and glossies in their textures.

    It may be worth rendering in passes in this case. You can probalby get away with lower ir map settings for the big bulky parts of the scene like the buildings and then do a seperate pass for the cars, trees etc with a sharper gi solution. It'd solve your memory problems to a large extent too.


    • #3
      Bucket size and memory management...

      Turning off geometry you don't see would affect the bouncing of light?
      Alain Blanchette


      • #4
        Yup - say you have a big object off camera, that's either gonna bounce some light off it or suck light out via shadowing so it may well have an effect on screen. If you think about it, Photographers use this all the time - A black card off camera to darken an area (since the black will kill any bounce light that may come back in from the side) or a white card to bound more light back. The GI solution is taking into account objects that are off camera at all stages unless you're rendering a single object on a plane lit by a skylight.


        • #5
          I have done everything I know to do and it still crashes on the 5th frame.

          All I am trying to do presently is render the irradiance map every 10th frame at approx half the size (480x360) using Irrad as primary and QMC as secondary bounces with Incremental save to current map and do not render image ticked. It gets to the 5th frame and slam, down it goes.

          I identified the glass as being a bit of a bottle neck so, reduced its settings to as low as I am happy with and it seemed fine but - not so.

          Again, if there is anything staring me in the face, I would appreciate a few comments. I will post the settings when I figure out how to do that.


