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Probably an easy challenge for you guys/gals...

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  • Probably an easy challenge for you guys/gals...

    Hi, I am almost ashamed to post any of my work in this forum after seeing some of the amazing work done with this software, but I could use some help to get me on my way with my current project. This rendering does not need to be as exceptional as most of the work posted here, but I do need to get rid of some noisy reflections from a Vray light plane that is showing up in my flooring when I use fresnel and turn on glossies. i am using IR map (medium) with Light cache (1000) as well as adaptive QMC with the noise threshold set to .001. I have a ton of lights (which i know is not common with good renderings) but we have a ton of light fixtures in this waiting area. I have narrowed the problem to several instances of the same Vray light, but I can't figure out what the problem is (the light is invisible and has 8 subdivs and a multiplier of 7.0) please advise. thanks in advance.

    - Alex

    whole scene (earlier in development without glossies or fresnel and missing some maps)

    blownup portion with only the problematic lights turned on and glossies and fresnel on.

  • #2
    Most likely, the light subdivisions are limiting the quality here. You can either increase the light subdivs or use the global multiplier in the rQMC rollout. It could well be that you need increase the noise treshold after you change the light subdivs or global multiplier to get the same overall quality for the rest of the image.
    You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


    • #3
      thank you, I will give that a shot as soon as i get back into the office. I don't understand why my images aren't coming up anymore, but i'll also try to resolve that tomorrow. thanks for the response, hope it does the trick.



      • #4
        Look here might be a good idea to place your lights below the fixtures if they are inside now or perhaps exclude the diffuser grids?
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          thank you for the reply; right now i have a light plane just below the fixtures that's doing the actual illumination of the scene, and then i have lower intensity light planes inside the fixture box that just make it look like it's the source of illumination. i read the thread you linked me to (thanks by the way) but the noise i am experiencing isn't due to the lights within the fixtures that would be emitting light from above the grid, so i really don't get it. anyways, i will try adjusting the lights subdivs and monkeying with the QMC settings. again, thank you.

          - Alex


          • #6
            Alex - maybe try and up the subdivs of the reflection of the floor material in the materials editor? Just a thought.


