really nice, are we able to set it on a shortkey?
No announcement yet.
Perspective to Vray Physical camera
Macroscript, so it can be freely added to quad menus, or shortcuts.
Just run the .ms file, go into "Customize->Customize user interface".
Under the "MainUI" Group, and the "VRay" category you'll find the new command: "Persp_2_Phys_Cam"
I bound it to Shift+Ctrl+C (rest of max is at default), so my workflow remains similar to that used with standard max cams.
This is an update of the Standard to VRay camera macroscript.
It has a bug correction for newly generated Max Cameras returning a bad target distance, and it caters for the same options in DoF focus definition as the standard max camera (use target distance / specify focus).
It also generates a unique name for the Physical Camera which has the max camera original name in it, to make it easier to tell them from one another and rename them later.
I have found a way to get around using .mse files with macroscripts, but haven't prepared an installer yet, so i STRONGLY suggest the usage of this one ONLY to users which know how to mess with their max install.
The full packaged version will come in soon enough for the rest of the users...
The package is comprised of two files: a .ms and a .mse
Unzip both to a temp folder, open max, run the .ms file to install the macroscript.
Close Max.
Open the temp folder you unzipped the package to, and copy the .mse file into your "UI\Macroscripts" folder.
This completes the installation.
Upon max rerun the command will work as expected.
C&Cs welcome and sorely needed