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Displacement and animation

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  • Displacement and animation

    I remember hearing that using displacement with animations is not a good idea.....well.....I NEED to use it. I need to do an animation of the below seen.........displacement on the stone and roofs. What do I need to look out for? Are there special settings to use? Thanks.

  • #2
    Model the tiles, instance, and attach.
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
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    • #3
      Yup - he's right, I've found in a lot of tests that although your viewports are slower because of the extra polygons, the render turns out faster. I didn't have too many problems using displacement and animation so I'm not sure what problems you're expecting but maybe for peace of mind you're better off modelling the little bits so you don't have to worry about getting render errors?


      • #4
        ive used displacement and animation and didnt have problems

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        • #5
          Re: Displacement and animation

          Originally posted by cristoforo
          I remember hearing that using displacement with animations is not a good idea.....well.....I NEED to use it. I need to do an animation of the below seen.........displacement on the stone and roofs. What do I need to look out for? Are there special settings to use? Thanks.
          I've used displacement (for grass) in animations without a problem too. I'm not sure where you remember hearing it (was it in these forums?) but years ago, while working maya, I rememeber a mantra of don't use displacement in animation. The issue at the time, and probably still so, was how the nurbs surfaces were tesselated on animated characters. Because the tessalation was always changing, your displacement would be constantly jumping around. This isn't a problem on static geomtery like roofs, grass, etc. Your scene would probably render faster with geometry rather than displacement though but the time necessary for you to redo all of your roofs may negate any rendering speed increases.
 - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


          • #6
            i thought that I had read something on this forum about displacement and animation.....good to hear though that it is not a problem. Maybe I should see the render time difference displacement and geometry. Though, it would sure be a pain to have to model all the roof tiles plus the tiles of the extra buildings I must still build! thanks for the replies!


            • #7
              I remember awhile ago someone had scrpted a solution fro those kinds of tiles. Might be worth looking around or you could hope that the script author reads this and posts it for everyone!!!!
              -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


              • #8
                I've had problems with using displacement in animation when the "view dependent" option was clicked on. It seems that as the camera moves the displacement is recalculated based on the view and on a large area you may see subtle shifts in value that seem to happen in triangular areas. I fixed this by turning off that option, but the render times doubled.

