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TEST 32 vs. 64

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  • #16
    Originally posted by davision
    - quite a bit faster.
    10 sec??
    c mon...
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • #17
      Originally posted by davision
      What I think is weird -- is that Max 9 32 renders faster than Max 8-32 -- quite a bit faster.
      Well, the 64-bit version being about 1.3% slower, it's not that much really.

      Why does that happen?
      I can't really tell. My guess is that there is slightly more data to pass around and keep in memory - e.g. some structures are 64-bit rather than 32-bit and so there is a little more work for the processor to do.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #18
        @ ene.xis If u look more concentrated at my second post with the 3 images you will see that the difference between MAX 8 and MAX 9, both 32 bit is about 90 seconds, which is not so bad, when we watch it in bigger scenes...
        For me is still strange why the 32bit MAX 9 is faster then the 64bit one...anyway - one is clear that for me there is a lot of to learn how exactly the CPUs are working...Till today i thought that is a simple arithmetic, but it seems to be rather complicated stuff
        Express Your Imagination - let it MAX!!!


        • #19
          Vlado, you probably understand by now that I wasn't asking about the 64-bit speed, but rather the 90 sec difference that 3dkad pointed out between the 8 and 9 32-bit version. Why would 9 be roughly 10% faster when rendering with Vray? I'm not complaining... just curious.


          • #20
            Originally posted by davision
            Vlado, you probably understand by now that I wasn't asking about the 64-bit speed, but rather the 90 sec difference that 3dkad pointed out between the 8 and 9 32-bit version. Why would 9 be roughly 10% faster when rendering with Vray? I'm not complaining... just curious.
            No idea... but here is a guess - 3dsmax 9 uses a newer C++ compiler which might be better at optimizing code; even though the V-Ray code is the same, V-Ray still uses some parts from 3dsmax (mosly textures and bitmaps), so that may be enough to cause a difference. V-Ray RC3 itself also uses a newer compiler and so is in many cases faster than previous versions.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #21
              for me that fact by itself is pointless...u see its like the rendertimes small drop with the latest processors...the gap is not so significantly. Still that gap does not representate the full diference between processing power. Obviously if have a rather complex scene things might became clearer...

              and yeah i was mentioning the difference between max 9, cause it made some sense to compare apples with apples...
              Nuno de Castro

              00351 917593145


              • #22
                I have just installed xp64 on my boxx machines and am experiencing alot of stability issues and lack of codecs etc which is proving a bit of a pain!

                I bought another 2 gbs of ram on my machines too so runnign on 6gbs of ram, i will post some test soon, but i am rendering scene that took an hour on 32bit, in 15mins...!!

                for architectural vis it seems a good fit

                i am also rendering out an animation of a golfcourse in QMC GI and 1000 frames at 1024x576 were rendered out in less than 12 hours on 2 machines...

                so while a comparable spec may not show little speed increases, it looks like there are some great benifits to chhucking more ram in!

                no need to get some stability back.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by ene.xis
                  Originally posted by davision
                  - quite a bit faster.
                  10 sec??
                  c mon...
                  Max 9 32 803.6s

                  Max 8 32 894.8s

                  dif 91.2s env 10% interesting to upgrade to max9


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by serge
                    Originally posted by ene.xis
                    Originally posted by davision
                    - quite a bit faster.
                    10 sec??
                    c mon...
                    Max 9 32 803.6s

                    Max 8 32 894.8s

                    dif 91.2s env 10% interesting to upgrade to max9
                    I am still shivering at the idea of discovering the NEXT cockup max 9 will manage, tbh.
                    It IS faster WHEN it works.
                    But it's also a MUCH faster crasher than 7.5 (my fave) and 8(patched).
                    And i loose scripts and stuff around in paths like
                    "C:\Documents and Settings\Lele\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\9 - 32bit\enu" AND "D:\Documents and Settings\Lele\Impostazioni locali\Dati applicazioni\Autodesk\3dsmax\9 - 32bit\enu" at the same time, as it prefers (my system drive is C, but most of my system folders sit in D- all other apps have no issue with this, max does.)
                    This is cumbersome, and overdone, in my own eyes.
                    I would have wanted to choose at install time, rather than find out later when under pressure.
                    Set a project folder, and bang!, you had three subfolders in that path, now you have dozens, all empty but for one xml file.
                    That's class.
                    I used to do this myself with batchfiles. Might have been an autodesk scientist then.

                    Sorry for the rant, but there are times i just would want to roll back to 7.5, to save my HOURS of time BEFORE the renderer even started...


