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Physical Sky with clouds?

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  • Physical Sky with clouds?

    I found a site that describes how to implement clouds into a physical sky-unfortunately it is for mental ray. The same principles should apply, does anybody know how to get that great vray gradient sky with clouds? I'd love to be able to utilize all of my spherical cloud maps with the "ozone"

  • #2
    you can do that the same way in vray.... chose a cloudpanorama of your choice and multiply it via the vraycompositemap with a vraysky. that's just the basis, you gotta grade adjust the skymap to your needs, mix in a ground layer etc.
    This signature is only a temporary solution


    • #3


      • #4
        After playing around with all of the blending modes available in the vraycompositemap I wasn’t satisfied. Multiply really doesn’t do a very good job, I then used the map layers plugin which simulates the blending modes available in Photoshop. I had better results but after a day of tweaking settings I still can’t match the realism of the clouds I can get in dreamscape. The physical sky by itself looks great, but blending clouds with it gets close but really isn’t that great for a discerning eye. What other techniques might I use to get clouds with physical sky, I was trying a cylinder with the top and bottom faces removed and the remaining face normal inverted towards the scene with a cloud bitmap and grayscale alpha of the same image in the opacity map slot. Has anybody had any luck combining clouds with physical sky somehow?


        • #5
          There are many ways to add clouds to the sky; one of them is to use some bounding geometry over the scene (either a sphere, box or VRayPlane) with a VRay2sided material with some noise for the opacity/bump/color in the base VRayMtl.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            how hard would it be to it be to implement "vray clouds" i always thought it would be nice to have some sort of parametric cloud system to go along with the vray sky...just curious.


            • #7
              Sorry if my post was confusing - i was just referring to the link in your post, where it is possible to achieve quite the same result with the method i mentioned... Sure this not a real physical approch, but in many cases the clouds blend nicely with the physical sky, at least with the panoramas that i used for testing purposes.

              Best regards,
              This signature is only a temporary solution

