For updated versions of these tools, go to this thread:
So it's 4am right now and I've been up all evening writing a script and some actions for Photoshop to automate importing of render elements.
Here they are if anyone wants them.
I have only tested them in Photoshop CS3 but they might work in CS2 as well.
The zip file consists of 3 files. One is a bat file used to make the vrimg2exr.exe utility easier to use, One is a collection of actions and the other is a Photoshop script that attempts to automate everything. Here's some quick descriptions:
vrimg2exr.bat file:
This file will automatically save out the separate channels into exr files.
To edit the file simply open it in notepad. You can change the naming and such that way.
-Add Single Layer-
This action pops up an "open" dialog letting you select a picture to add as a layer to the current picture. The picture will be added as the topmost layer and set to Linear Dodge blending. While it's possible to select more then one image in the dialog it won't do you much good.
-Add Open as Layers-
To use this action simply open all the elements you want to have in the picture, select the diffuse (usually) image and repeatedly run the script.
Every time it runs it will add the next open image to the one that's currently active. As in the previous one it will add them in Linear Dodge.
This action is probably the easiest to use.
-Element Compositor-
The third action is for those who aren't sure how to handle rendered elements. When you run it it will tell you which pictures to open, let you select the right one, and then add it as a layer with the proper blend mode. It's not as fast a method but good to learn I suppose.
The script is a bit different. In order for it to work you have to use the right filenames or at least somewhat close. (the bat file does that for you) To use it don't have a picture active and run the script. you will get a file open dialog. Select ALL the pictures and click ok. The script will recognize the names and automatically add them to a new picture with the right blend modes and in order starting with the diffuse as base.
Note you might run into problems with the script as it's still pretty new. Thankfully Photoshop is quite foolproof so it's pretty safe but be careful just in case. You use it at your own risk
These are the elements the script supports:
Any unsupported elements will be added with the default filename, set to Linear Dodge and hidden.
-The script now imports unrecognized elements.
-A setting has been added to import the elements as smart layers. To use open the script in a text editor.
Put the bat file in the same folder as vrimg2exr.exe.
Usually the "tools" folder under program files\chaos group\.
To use it simply drop the vrimg file on top of it. you can make it easier to get to by creating a shortcut icon somewhere. I have it in the "sendto" folder in the main profile in Documents And Settings. that way you can rightclick the vrimg files and simply select Send To -> vrimg2exr
The Actions file should go in the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Actions folder, and the script file should go in the Presets\Scripts folder.
Once you restart Photoshop you can start it from the file/scripts menu.
For updated versions of these tools, go to this thread:
So it's 4am right now and I've been up all evening writing a script and some actions for Photoshop to automate importing of render elements.
Here they are if anyone wants them.
I have only tested them in Photoshop CS3 but they might work in CS2 as well.
The zip file consists of 3 files. One is a bat file used to make the vrimg2exr.exe utility easier to use, One is a collection of actions and the other is a Photoshop script that attempts to automate everything. Here's some quick descriptions:
vrimg2exr.bat file:
This file will automatically save out the separate channels into exr files.
To edit the file simply open it in notepad. You can change the naming and such that way.
-Add Single Layer-
This action pops up an "open" dialog letting you select a picture to add as a layer to the current picture. The picture will be added as the topmost layer and set to Linear Dodge blending. While it's possible to select more then one image in the dialog it won't do you much good.
-Add Open as Layers-
To use this action simply open all the elements you want to have in the picture, select the diffuse (usually) image and repeatedly run the script.
Every time it runs it will add the next open image to the one that's currently active. As in the previous one it will add them in Linear Dodge.
This action is probably the easiest to use.
-Element Compositor-
The third action is for those who aren't sure how to handle rendered elements. When you run it it will tell you which pictures to open, let you select the right one, and then add it as a layer with the proper blend mode. It's not as fast a method but good to learn I suppose.
The script is a bit different. In order for it to work you have to use the right filenames or at least somewhat close. (the bat file does that for you) To use it don't have a picture active and run the script. you will get a file open dialog. Select ALL the pictures and click ok. The script will recognize the names and automatically add them to a new picture with the right blend modes and in order starting with the diffuse as base.
Note you might run into problems with the script as it's still pretty new. Thankfully Photoshop is quite foolproof so it's pretty safe but be careful just in case. You use it at your own risk

These are the elements the script supports:
- VRayDiffuseFilter
Any unsupported elements will be added with the default filename, set to Linear Dodge and hidden.
-The script now imports unrecognized elements.
-A setting has been added to import the elements as smart layers. To use open the script in a text editor.
Put the bat file in the same folder as vrimg2exr.exe.
Usually the "tools" folder under program files\chaos group\.
To use it simply drop the vrimg file on top of it. you can make it easier to get to by creating a shortcut icon somewhere. I have it in the "sendto" folder in the main profile in Documents And Settings. that way you can rightclick the vrimg files and simply select Send To -> vrimg2exr
The Actions file should go in the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Actions folder, and the script file should go in the Presets\Scripts folder.
Once you restart Photoshop you can start it from the file/scripts menu.
