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facadepanels normal variation -how to?(arch viz)

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  • facadepanels normal variation -how to?(arch viz)

    Hey there

    Anyone have a clue how to achieve the warped reflection in an easy manner?
    preferably by texture instead of modelling.

    I could model the panels and do a random transform on them by script. But it would be tedious as hell if one wanted holes in the walls.

    My problem is that I'd like every tile to be different with no discernible shared pattern.
    so a mask with tile and a noise below wont cut it.

    Something like a random rotated gradient for each panel would be nice, but how?

    I've attached two examples, one with glass and the other with stainless steel.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    My first thought would be to use a low-frequency noise map in the bump channel, set to use world XYZ rather than object XYZ. The drawback I see is that you would probably see continuity in the pattern across panel boundaries, but perhaps that's not a serious concern.



    • #3
      Originally posted by EAJ View Post
      My first thought would be to use a low-frequency noise map in the bump channel, set to use world XYZ rather than object XYZ. The drawback I see is that you would probably see continuity in the pattern across panel boundaries, but perhaps that's not a serious concern.

      that's exactly what I'd like to avoid


      • #4
        If you don't want to paint the bump map, I suppose you could have two versions of the material with the bump maps offset from one another and apply them to alternating tiles.

        I used Maya for a while long ago (in the 1.0 days) and this sort of thing was a lot easier with the Maya material editor. :/


        • #5
          Originally posted by Brixvold3d View Post
          that's exactly what I'd like to avoid
          Ive managed to get away with this by using alternating panels and 2 materials, which works much better. Say youve got a square panel layout, one material with the bump set to 2 intensity/500 size (X) and another at 3 with a size of 1000 (O), throw some material id's on them and map them like:



          • #6
            You could distort the environment/reflection map...

            This thread should probably be moved to off-topic
            "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


            • #7
              Make a multi sub with the same material but differnet bump maps (or whatever) than apply a Material by element modifier to the panels. This is assuming they're elements of a larger poly object. If not, attached all of them together. If it's already one large element of a polygon object then explode it into separate polys (quads) so the Material by Element works as expoected. They're also some scripts ot there to randomly apply materials to slected objects.
     - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


              • #8
                I sincerely thank you for the effort.
                I found a way to do the geometry really fast with rhino.
                One can always make the deviations in each panel with script in rhino or max.

                Here are the details:
                This way I can easily add some extra noise displacement if needed.

                The reason why i asked here is because so many do arch viz in this forum and hopefully somebody was already doing something like this with vraydisplacement.
                Doing it with a material would mean no tedious modelling.


                • #9
                  You could try this script. (RandomUVW)

                  You need to the glass panels to be a single object with a UVW map already applied to define the scale of your noisemap. When you run the script it should add a unwrap uvw, and then move the uwv for each face a random distance. If you find that the uvw's are crossing the map seam, scale down the uvw's and adjust your noise scale accordingly.

                  I've not tested the script with max2008 so save your work before running the script!

                  Patrick Macdonald
                  Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


                  • #10
                    excellent thank you!
                    with this and archcut I should be able to do it.

                    another outspoken reference pic:


                    • #11
                      Usually the edges of the panels aren't all that distorted, but then as you get in to the middle the oil canning (concavity/convexity) kicks in. So, you don't really want any bump on the edges, but you do in the center.

                      To get that we will make a bump map using a mask of a gradient ramp on box mode, with a smoke (or noise if you prefer) revealed in the center, and then face map it.
                      Jon Kletzienstudio amd


                      • #12
                        Im just trying that method now jkletzien and the smoke noise map seems to repeat in each panel in the centre so i've applied another noise modifier to the actual glass geometry to hopefully try and break it up further

