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Need help on Rodeca Shader and modeling typography

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  • Need help on Rodeca Shader and modeling typography

    Hello everyone,

    I want to ask you all for some help. We (me and 2 friends) have won an architectural competition that was held at our school. It's an extension for the cafetaria. There will be an exhibition soon and I want to make some good images of the design. We have some already but they are pretty poor because of a very tight deadline.

    It's basically a box with walls in rodeca (polycarbonate panels). On the walls we want typography at both sides, this will be some kind of coating.

    I need some help on the shader for the polycarbonate. We made a small piece of how we want it to be. I made some pics to show how the material looks from various angles.

    What I used for the quick renders was vray material with semi-transparant diffraction and 0.75 glossiness.

    The typography was done in ps. I want to do this in max, but I was wondering what would be the best method?

    Using text spline and extrude modifier or would plane with normals facing camera do? Or other method?

    Here are the pics and thx in advance for any help!

  • #2
    some more pics (4img restriction )


    • #3
      Been in bed sick yesterday, couldn't work on it. Bit suprised there were no replys yet
      Anyway this is what I got at this moment.

      material settings:

      - diffuse map contains blue stripes.
      - bump map should shake the reflections a bit so it doesn't look like a flat panel. I'll try a blend material cause the reflections ain't coming trough.


      • #4
        Maybe this material could be tweaked for your needs:


        • #5
          Have you tried modeling it like the real panel and giving it a bit of blue fog?
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            Thank you guys. I've looked into your suggestions but hadn't got the time for much experimentation. Maybe I'll find some time this week to get the exterior done.

            It didn't really matter for the interior, cause it was blown out so I did that one.
            This is what I could come up with this afternoon.



            • #7
              Maybe something like this, it doe snot render very fast, and you'll need to tweak colors and maybe add a bumb or something

              download : link
              My Homepage :

