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Requesting free plugin ideas for VRay

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  • #16
    thorsten is (unfortunately imHo ) right...
    i seem to recall vlado stating that pretty clearly not some time ago...layering lights to adjust their intensities after the rendering is done without rendering independent images per layer of individual lights or gouped lights and adjusting them in a post app wasn t possible regarding the cuurent vray structure.(if i recall corretly, that is)
    nevertheless these kind of post-render features, like glow, flares, etc, would be gr8 for me and for plenty of others i if someone could make a plugin out of this it would be an awesome feature imo!
    of course i know that others who have their pipeline set up on some hardcore post processing this is rather pointless...
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • #17
      Don't know if this could be a plugin or not or how difficult it would be..

      But how about a down and dirty post motion blur like the max scanline render has?

      I know you can render motionblur in the camera with vray (more accurate but takes too long), or you can render out a velocity channel and do it in post (an additonal step with the advantage of being able to control how much blur), but I still miss the down and dirty motion blur that the max scanline renderer has that only take a couple of second per frame to do.


      • #18
        Ok my turn to ask for the impossiblyically difficultness...
        Physically correct 3d lens flare/glare effects using real world lenses and retina properties, including dust, smudges and eyelashes!

        I can dream...


        • #19
          get the paper and get coding ! :P


          • #20
            I think a Glare shader would be cool. I know your supposed to do this stuff in post but hey...would be nice to have it!
            -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


            • #21
              Glare and Glow

              Yes +1 on that one.
              Actually +100

              Every1 wants it...... so what is the problem then?
              I still don't get why this is not part of VRay in general.
              I suppose it is one of those things that is complicated to program
              Kind Regards,


              • #22
                It's an incredibly wide field indeed...what do you want exactly....physical glare including eyelash refreaction ? or just the usual post glare like the mr one (if i am not mistaken)? the span is huge if ppl want it...why not...wont get my vote tho



                • #23
                  I just want a basic light glare or glow even if it is fake but looks accetpable to non 3D graphics people, and I can do it at render time using VRay
                  I'm thinking about getting Combustion. Maybe I can just suck it up and do this kind of thing in post with Combustion. (stills and animation)
                  Kind Regards,


                  • #24
                    -Render Settings Optimization Wizard
                    -Clouds, Haze, and Night Sky
                    -Enhanced NPR Capabilities
                    Ben Steinert


                    • #25
                      Nightsky is a nice one There's a nice paper available. It deals with star and moon rendering, the different parts of nightsky illumination, blueshift and visuals happening in the eye partly. Not the typical small helper but great one

                      Another one along these lines (similar to the Haze beestee mentioned) would be an aerial perspektive add-on to the VRaySky. It is part of the Preetham Paper that VRaySky is based on but i havent seen it implemented in renderers yet (other then the reference implementation and some realtime experiments that is)



                      • #26
                        Something that might be easy is a utility to convert vray proxies back to mesh objects. Vlado reckons there is one floating around but I aint seen it.

                        Maybe even a proxy manager that can easily repath objects and maps like the asset tool?
               - Vray Mentor


                        • #27
                          A "Make Nice" modifier...
                 - Online portfolio (temporarily offline)
                          / AMD Phenom X4 @ 3.00Ghz / ATI HD 4890 / 8Gb Ram /
                          / Vista Ultimate x64 / Max 2010 / Vray 1.5 SP3a Edu /
                          / Intel Core2Quad Q9450 @ 2.66Ghz /
                          Nvidia Quadro FX 3700 / 8Gb Ram /
                          / Vista Bussines x64 /


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by DrJan View Post
                            A "Make Nice" modifier...
                            Accompanied by a "make nice" material with no settings...


                            • #29
                              Something that might be easy is a utility to convert vray proxies back to mesh objects. Vlado reckons there is one floating around but I aint seen it.
                              There is an internal one from a different company that I've tried but it is very buggy. I recommend avoiding it at all costs.
                              LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                              HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                              Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DrJan View Post
                                A "Make Nice" modifier...
                                Hehe, I could use that, and perhaps a "Make very nice" modifier option too.

