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LWF for dummies

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  • LWF for dummies

    After much procrastination on our (daves) part I am finally posting autogamma script.

    The script applies a colour correct with a gamma of 2.2 to every material at render time i.e textures AND flat colours.

    Lastpixel works on lots of large projects with multiple xrefs being created by several staff members so to avoid problems of having to manually apply colour corrects we use this script.

    We developed this script about 6 months ago and its great I leave it turned on all the time
    with remove CC's after each render (so I dont have to click through colour corrects in my material editor )
    colour mapping to linear gamma 2.2 (dont affect colours ticked) and thats it, LWF for dummies.

    Gup. files goes into plugins folder and mcr. goes to macroscript
    Customize Lastpixel and place in you quad menu or whatever you prefer.
    And obviously you need to install colour correct script

    It saves current setting to the scene so if you reopen the scene the same setting stills holds, will do xrefs, works with standard and vray mats only.
    The script only applies colour corrects to materials applied to an object in the scene
    i.e. no colour corrects applied to maps in the enviroments slots or unused materials in the material editor.
    no colour corrects to textures i.e. a texture applied to a light

    Dont forget to go to you max preferences and either completely disable gamma lut correction (I do this as I use Vray frame buffer all the time) or set your bitmap files input gamma back to one otherwise you will colour correct your textures twice.

    There is also an override values drop down that allows you to access all the usual colour correct options where you can change the gamma etc. (and turn your whole scene green if you want )

    Although we use this in a production pipeline and it works fine I/we (lastpixel) take no responsibility for it doing anything at all or possibly destroying everything,everywhere, USE AT OWN RISK yada yada yada....

    The zip now contains Max 9 and 2009 32 and 64 bit versions
    Attached Files
    Last edited by pg1; 17-09-2008, 07:15 PM. Reason: adding our website link

  • #2
    GODDDDD We just upgraded to 2009 64bits
    We really need your autogamma plugin!!! PLEASE!!!
    No chance that I receive the sources compile a 2009 version
    and send it back to you (Dreaming I know...)

    If it's that brainless, we need it right now!!!

    OZRAY, 2009.


    • #3
      (2009 64 bit)

      2nd that!


      • #4
        We do have a 2009 64 bit compile version in the works (already finished) but our programmer works remotely. I emailed him yesterday asking him to email me the recompile and as soon as I get you will get it that could be today or in the next week depending on when he gets back to me so watch this space.

        I forgot to mention in my previous post the gamma script doesnt hit materials that are NOT on an object in the scene i.e. it wont apply a colour correct to materials on the enviroment slot or in the material editor (but not actually applied to an object


        • #5
          WHOOOAA wait a minute hold the presses I think we done found the 2009 64 back in a minute


          • #6
            OZRAY, JeffG2, plz check my first post which has been re edited with a newer 2009 version


            • #7


              • #8

                I get a mess of errors on my max2009. It is a --Type error: Call needs function or class, got undefined and then --No""+"" function for undefined
                Bobby Parker
                phone: 2188206812

                My current hardware setup:
                • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                • ​Windows 11 Pro


                • #9
                  "Type error: Call needs function or class, got undefined and then --No""+"" function for undefined"

                  I get the same error - but it works fine in spite of that.

                  Fantastic plugin! I really appreciate you releasing it! I'll be using it every day.


                  • #10
                    Jeff g2 >>man that pic you got for an avatar make me larf every time I see it.
                    mullet, pure class

                    no idea what problems you get with max 2009 as we aint moved to it yet (we always got a bunch of projects hanging around that delay any upgrade) but as we use this every day and we are about to upgrade to 2009 in the next few weeks will look into any errors that pop up.

                    Good to give back to this forum where I have learned so much.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pg1 View Post
                      Jeff g2 >>man that pic you got for an avatar make me larf every time I see it.
                      mullet, pure class


                      • #12
                        a mullet, a tie with a wife beater vest, and a jacket with no sleeves beat he's a killer with the ladies, all he needs now is a moustache

                        Can anyone else confirm if they get an error using autogamma with max 2009 in either 32 or 64 bit
                        Glorybound are you getting the error with max 2009 64 bit ?

                        Just tested autogamma at home with 2009 32 bit and cannot recreate your error


                        • #13
                          Pretty sweet do I need to ad the gup and CC to all network boxes. If I want use a farm. Or is this not necesary


                          • #14
                            You will need to have both plug-ins on the farm. We usually change our plugin.ini to post to a mapped drive that the whole farm can see, that way we only need to put the plu-ins in one directory.

                            With the error I assume this is in the maxscript listener? Sounds like perhaps the maxscript is loading in before the plug-in and the maxscript is having the error. Is this the whole message in the listener. Can someone post it here if its not?



                            • #15

                              Yes I am. Max 2009 x64
                              Bobby Parker
                              phone: 2188206812

                              My current hardware setup:
                              • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                              • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                              • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                              • ​Windows 11 Pro

