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LWF for dummies

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  • #46
    Hey MikeHampton,

    Originally posted by mikehampton View Post
    There also seems to be a problem, don't know if it's with the script or with the autogamma plug in, where it seems to turn off the "show map in viewport" option of materials.

    Kind of frustrating when you have hundreds of objects set to show the maps in viewport.. then suddenly that's all turned off. And as far as I know.. there's no easy global way to turn them back on except to do it one material at a time. But then to only have the script/plugin turn them back off again.
    That problem you had this doesnt fix the problem but
    Have you tried going to max menu bar then click view and in the drop down menu there is activate maps in viewport/ deactive maps in viewport


    • #47
      That problem you had this doesnt fix the problem but
      Have you tried going to max menu bar then click view and in the drop down menu there is activate maps in viewport/ deactive maps in viewport
      Well.. the problem I have is that it's not that ALL maps are being turned of in the viewport.. it seems to be very random. And forcing it to turn on ALL maps in the viewport works, although I don't necissarily want ALL maps turned on. But it's the quickest way to get them back I suppose. Didn't even know that was there.. Thanks.

      I'm not positive this is the script or autogamma that is doing this, It's just that this problem started right aroung the time I started using them, and never happened before.


      • #48
        found a bug with autogamma.
        Well not specifically autogamma but when used with Rpmanager, 3dsmax 9 and multiple xrefs there can be an issue with conflicting node ids.

        Max internally assigns a node id number to all objects in a scene. Each node id should be unique but in max 9 you can end up with objects that have the same node id e.g you have objects in an xref which you delete max assigns new ids to existing objects. This in itself isnt a problem unless you have given properties to objects that are assigned by node id. Putting objects in the include/exclude of a light and then deleting objects can cause an error where the id numbers assigned to objects now change and cause different objects to be included/excluded by the light than the ones you selected. This is a known bug with max 9 that has been fixed in later version.

        This bug when using autogamma and rpmanager with xrefs and backburner (yes it took a while to figure out the problem ) can cause flickering colours across objects (usually red green and blue flickers)

        The easiest solution is to not use Rpmanager's xref control panel just use the max xref dialogue to control xrefs (I know this is a problem as for lots of xrefs it is really useful to control them per pass)
        Alternatively upgrade to a newer version of max.

        If you do run into this problem
        -save your file
        -Unhide and display everything in the scene
        -Ctrl A and delete everything in the scene (in mjy case this is usually cameras, helpers, and some small geometry as most of the scene will be xrefs)
        -Then merge from the saved files everything you just deleted
        And you are back where you started except Max will assign new node ids to objects you just deleted and re-merged and solve the problem of conflicting node ids.

        If you do run into this problem post here and I will try and help


        • #49
          Does this now work with 2010 64bit?


          • #50
            no and it is discontinued as of sp3 vray has its own linear workflow button (in the colour mapping panel) which does the same thing and is faster


            • #51
              does autogamma take care of bump maps, specular maps and opacity maps to keep them at a gamma of 1.0
              this is in relation to a question that I posed here:




              • #52
                no the autogamma script doesnt affect bump or any other slot besides the diffuse, never thought about it for bump maps etc.
                Does the new vray linear workflow button in the colour mapping panel effect bump maps or any other map besides diffuse?


                • #53
                  I dont know.

                  this is what the manual says -

                  Linear workflow - when this option is checked V-Ray will automatically apply the inverse of the Gamma correction that you have set in the Gamma field to all VRayMtl materials in your scene. Note that this option is intended to be used only for quickly converting old scenes which are not set up with proper linear workflow in mind. This option is not a replacement for proper linear workflow.

                  but I will test.
                  or maybe vlado can help?

                  how well does this script work with FastSS2 ? you put the texture maps in the "sss color" slot an not in the diffuse slot.



                  • #54
                    I would simply save the trouble and stop using LWF.
                    There are some nice color mapping options in vray like reinhard that make all this unnecessary.

                    We made some experiments some time ago with indoor lighting using LWF and without it using Reinhard on 0,3 and it looked exactly the same.
                    Reflect, repent and reboot.
                    Order shall return.


                    • #55
                      Ok lemmie get this straight: when you say 0,3 (european use) you mean 0.3 (aussie use)?

                      if that is true then in the color mapping area you have

                      Type = Reinhard,
                      Multiplier = 1.0
                      Burn Value = 0.3
                      Gamma = 2.2

                      LWF switch off

                      is that right

                      I did some testing with the LWF button and it does apply a 2.2 gamma to all textures.

                      edit: vlado corrected me on this apparently it doesnt apply it to all textures.I think the test results I was getting were because the overal light was different rather than there being a changed in the gamma.
                      Last edited by rajdarge; 07-08-2009, 01:56 PM.


                      • #56
                        using other colour mapping is not a good option when you split your renders to separate elements, if you try and re-comp your elements (vray gi , vray lighting etc.) back together in post you will be unable to match your original render

