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  • #91
    if you want, this is some screenshot and here two short tutorial about VRayEnvironmentFog. For now only in Italian, but I think it's not so difficult to understand.

    Anyway, thanks Chaosgroup!
    Last edited by cecofuli; 05-03-2009, 04:01 PM.

    VRay - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book
    Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book

    --- FACEBOOK ---


    • #92
      Just playing with SP3 now, it feels like I am 5 and it is Xmas day; so many new toys to play with!
      Already it is faster and the irrad map is much much improved. The ambient occlusion works terrifically as well!
      I am wondering how to setup the Environment fog though? Is it a seperate pass to comp after?

      Congratulations to Chaos Group on another storming release!

      edit: found the setting for enviroment fog in atmosphere!

      google translation of the above tutorial!
      Last edited by MVE; 05-03-2009, 04:12 PM.


      • #93
        Downloading as I type this. Looking foreward to seeing what is possible


        My Portfolio


        • #94
          Where are the links for the downloads ?

          I am logged in but the download sewction still says SP2 ....

          3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM


          • #95
            Originally posted by nirsul View Post
            I am logged in but the download sewction still says SP2 ....

            It should be underneath the SP2

            The release date should maybe be updated
            Last edited by rmejia; 05-03-2009, 04:55 PM.


            • #96
              anyone could help me with working out how the vrayveactordisplace material is supposed to work? i get strange results when rendering to texture.
              -= =-


              • #97
                There must be 2 objects with the same topology (I think).
                One of them must be flat (source) and second distorted.
                Assign VectorDisplBake material to flat object and for target geometry pick distorted object.
                Render to texture flat object and you have your vector dicplacement image.

                Sorry for my english

                PS. Chce Ci się tak poźno siedzieć nad tym?


                • #98
                  ah, i think i get it now

                  przyznaje sie jestem uzalezniony od swiezego softu :P
                  -= =-


                  • #99
                    Can I update my license server and still use my SP2 nodes while I test?


                    • Thank you very much chaos group for this new update !!!

                      And free !!!!!!!

                      Best regards...

                      Change log :

                      Build 1.50.SP3 official (1 March 2009)
                      (cumulative changelog since build 1.50.SP2)

                      New features:
                      (*) VRayFastSSS2 material for simulating accurate sub-surface scattering;
                      (*) VRayEnvironmentFog atmospheric effect;
                      (*) VRayLightMtl has options to generate direct light;
                      (*) VRayLight has a "Mesh" mode to allow geometric lights;
                      (*) Support for the 3ds Max Arch&Design material (most basic options are supported);
                      (*) Support for vector displacement in VRayDisplacementMod;
                      (*) Global ambient occlusion for all supported GI engines (irradiance map, light cache, photon map);
                      (*) Added VRayVectorDisplBake material and VRayNormalMap textures to help produce and use textures for vector displacement;

                      Modified features:
                      (*) V-Ray requires a SSE2-capable processor even for 32-bit versions;
                      (*) Reduced flickering for time-interpolated irradiance maps;
                      (*) Support for volumetric irradiance maps, light cache and photon maps;
                      (*) VRayFur uses volumetric irradiance maps/light cache to speed up rendering;
                      (*) VRaySun is never visible to GI rays (removes spots from the sun in the irradiance map);
                      (*) The "Default lights" option now has three possible values - "off", "on" and "off with GI";
                      (*) Added MaxScript access to the include/exclude lists of VRayLights (including VRaySun and VRayIES) through the "excludeList", "includeList" and "inclExclType" MaxScript properties;
                      (*) Camera information (transformation, FOV etc) is written to .vrimg and OpenEXR files when using the "Raw image file" option of the V-Ray VFB; vrimg2exr also translates this information;
                      (*) Support for region rendering directly in the V-Ray VFB;
                      (*) The "Affect alpha" option of VRayMtl has been replaced with "Affect channels" option and allows propagation of all render elements, not only the alpha channel;
                      (*) The alpha channel is correct for glossy refractions that have the "Affect channels" option set to "Color+alpha" or "All channels";
                      (*) The "Use irradiance map" option in VRayMtl materials now concerns the light cache too;
                      (*) VRayDirt texture has include/exclude options for objects that should affect and should be affected by the dirt texture;
                      (*) The default Distribution parameter of VRayDirt is set to 1.0 (corresponds to using the dirt for ambient occlusion);
                      (*) Camera overrides (e.g. spherical, box etc), work when rendering through a VRayPhysicalCamera, picking the exposure from it;
                      (*) Added another preview option to VRayProxy (preview from file as faces instead of edges);
                      (*) Added animation export parameters to the meshExport() MaxScript function;
                      (*) Option to specify the maximum number of faces in the preview of exported .vrmesh files;
                      (*) VRayProxy has the possibility to extract the geometry from the .vrmesh file as a 3ds Max mesh;
                      (*) When exporing a .vrmesh file, V-Ray will put up a warning if the file already exists;
                      (*) In VRayProxy objects, a sequence of '#' characters in the file name is replaced with the current frame number;
                      (*) Added "Horizontal offset" and "Vertical offset" parameters to VRayPhysicalCamera;
                      (*) Added "Horizontal shift" parameter to the physical camera;
                      (*) The MultiMatte render element has an "affect matte objects";
                      (*) The MultiMatte render element works with transparent objects;
                      (*) The VRayZDepth render element works with transparent objects (when "Enable filtering" is ON);
                      (*) The VRayZDepth render element has filtering enabled by default;
                      (*) Added "Affect matte objects" option to VRayExtraTex render element;
                      (*) VRayExtraTex render element works with transparent objects;
                      (*) Render element names reverted to VRay* (without underscore);
                      (*) Option to restart render slaves for DR after the rendering completes;
                      (*) The distributed rendering settings window can be resized now;
                      (*) Check/uncheck all selected servers in DR settings dialog;
                      (*) Support for the incremental modes of the irradiance map in distributed rendering;
                      (*) V-Ray will transfer the 3ds Max gamma settings for DR rendering;
                      (*) Some small changes in the network code to see if DR is more reliable;

                      Bug fixes:
                      (*) Textures saved from RTT were black;
                      (*) Fixed an error in the V-Ray materials conversion script for Raytrace materials;
                      (*) Camera transformation sampling for motion blur now matches that of scene objects for the same number of geometry samples;
                      (*) Camera motion blur now works when rendering frames outside the current animation range;
                      (*) VRayFastSSS2 material was not visible in the VRayMtlSelect render element;
                      (*) Fixed issues when using alternate licensing servers;
                      (*) VRay2SidedMtl material did not list the translucency texture map in Track View;
                      (*) VRayLightMtl did not work with color and transparency mapping when the "Direct illumination" option was enabled;
                      (*) VRayLightMtl did not work with the "Emit on backside" option when the "Direct illumination" option was enabled;
                      (*) VRayEdgexTex did not keep its name when saved to a material library;
                      (*) Running the V-Ray material conversion script on scenes containing Arch&Design materials produced an error;
                      (*) Crash if using an override material with interpolated reflections/refractions;
                      (*) Orthographic views render straight lines instead of curves when using PowerNurbs;
                      (*) Fixed crash with displacement;
                      (*) VRayFur density map did not work with Falloff map in Distance blend/Object mode;
                      (*) The exposure slider in the V-Ray VFB could be moved out of the color corrections window;
                      (*) Exposure correction in the VFB was not applied when 3ds Max scene is loaded;
                      (*) New thumbs could be added to the exposure slider;
                      (*) V-Ray generated z-depth channel in the GBuffer did not match the scanline renderer;
                      (*) Velocity channel info not correct for moving cameras if the motion blur parameters of V-Ray are not the default ones (even when V-Ray moblur is off);
                      (*) Fixed a crash when unloading dynamic geometry;
                      (*) VRayCompTex did not list its textures as sub-anims to 3ds Max;
                      (*) The browse file dialog for VRayIES lights now uses the *.ies filter by default;
                      (*) VRayToon did not support the 3ds Max atmospheric gizmo access methods;
                      (*) Crashes with VRayHDRI while rendering with open material editor;
                      (*) Incorrect with W mapping coordinate of VRayFur;
                      (*) Changing the color mode of VRayIES to "Temperature" did not enable the temperature spinner until the light is re-selected;
                      (*) VRayFastSSS did not list its textures as sub-anims to 3ds Max;
                      (*) V-Ray evaluated all objects at time 0 before starting the rendering - this is now done only when using the irradiance map animation modes;
                      (*) VRayProxy .vrmesh files not archived when using File > Archive is 3ds Max 9 and later;
                      (*) VRayHDRI maps not archived when using File > Archive is 3ds Max 9 and later;
                      (*) VRayIES profiles not archived when using File > Archive is 3ds Max 9 and later;
                      (*) VRaySimbiont shaders not archived when using File > Archive is 3ds Max 9 and later;
                      (*) Issues exporting .vrmesh files with the '#' character in the names (now these are replaced with '_');
                      (*) Object properties not preserved when objects are automatically converted to proxies during .vrmesh export;
                      (*) Issues animating the vertical shift using the "Guess vertical shift" button;
                      (*) DR slaves could hang in an indefinite state while rendering;
                      (*) DR slaves rendered black buckets if rendering was cancelled while receiving the .max scene of a previous render;
                      (*) Incorrect sampling rate with the Adaptive subdivision image sampler and the "Don't affect final colors" option on;
                      Last edited by stilgarna; 05-03-2009, 11:55 PM.
                      My Flickr


                      • Thanks for the great job.
                        Any idea when the help pages will be updated to get a full explenation of the new features ?



                        • They are updated already (you may need to refresh them in your browser).

                          Best regards,
                          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                          • I dont see the SP3 in the download section I see SP2 for max90, max80, max2008 and max2009.

                            Already did a refesh, also installed firefox to have a clean browser. went to the chaosgroup download section.. NO Sp3

                            any idea what to do ?

                            New info: I just noticed I only see DEMO builds dont you guys want me anymore ?!?
                            MBA Studios | 3D Images & Visual Effects


                            • No problem here... SP3 + Max 2009

                              2008 + SP2 + new license server (no complain)

                              Thanks for the documentation's update...

                              Best regards....
                              My Flickr


                              • Originally posted by Markus View Post
                                I dont see the SP3 in the download section I see SP2 for max90, max80, max2008 and max2009.

                                Already did a refesh, also installed firefox to have a clean browser. went to the chaosgroup download section.. NO Sp3

                                any idea what to do ?

                                New info: I just noticed I only see DEMO builds dont you guys want me anymore ?!?
                                I had the same problem - which was actually due to having 2 login IDs
                                I got a username and pass when buying it and I created a second for the forum - try logging in with the one you got upon purchase.

                                3ds Max 2016/2021 (Vray 6.x), Windows 10 64bit , AMD 2990WX ThreadRipper 32/64 Cores, 128 gigs RAM , 2X RTX3090 48GB RAM

