Originally posted by emecstudios
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Vue 7.5
I tested on TG2 a few years ago. It was very hard to use - definitely more complicated than the original. It had a ways to go back then and they kept saying it was going to be 'released soon.'
Originally posted by duke2 View PostYeah I made sure - I set min threads to 4! Also, on detail .025 it still takes 11 secondsThey should just plug it into one of the free distributions of renderman, like pixie.
A cloudy (3 different layers) volumetric scene with samples set to as high as 128 (in both clouds and atmosphere) rendered under 2mins on an old core2duo at detail 0.4 at 640 pixels.
The full HD image rendered in under 2h on that same old core2duo at detail 1.0 at 1920 pixels.
As we again had hope that everything could be fine at last - vue 7.5 running with vray, what an nice dream, and payed for the update/subscription.
But again there is not the slightes hint on how to set up a vue/vray-scene (lights, environment, camera, where, how...), no demoscene showing the integration setup, just nothing.
The scene is rendering just black, in the vueforum a user found out there is an vue environment effect, but still no direct light from the vue lighs on max objects, ....
Please Vlado, did you talk with the eon-guys or have an small scene how it is ment to work?
Mathias, what version of max are you using?
I will try and send you a scene today, I am very busy today but I will try to get something to you
thanks, that was the only help provided by the vue-forum. but still colors and lighting are not 1:1 on objects, for example: box in max and vue with same rgb-values are looking quite different when rendered together, also effect of shadow and gi.
I wont talk about the trouble I have with e-on - nuff said about that.
But Vray integration is rubbish.
Tried to render an image with vue atomsphere and a standard max scene as you would with vray sun/sky and an interior scene(LWF style)
The colours and shadows were all washed out - and I could barely see any shadows.
So I set up a test scene with a teapot inside a closed box with normals flipped a camera inside the box and a single vray light. rendered without and the first image is the result. Nice colours and shadows
add a vue atmosphere to the same scene (nothing more) - it adds a "sunlight", vue ground plane, and vue camera ...
and I get the second image
I guess this would happen with any interior image. uggh
now there was a waste of $600.
I tried adjusting the vue render settings and it just crashed max over and over again.
I tried adjusting the vray settings and the only thing that worked was to turn the vue envromnent effect off.
We wont upgrade to 7.5 because no matter what max renderer you are using, xstream is still to buggy for production in small studios. I just hope nobody gets a bad taste for vray using this combo. Its not Vrays fault that xstream sucks.
When I tried Vue xStream (ver 7 perhaps?) with mental ray inside 3ds Max, there were no way of gamma correcting, which meant my Max elements were all gamma 2.2 and color corrected, but the Vue elements were outwashed gamma 2.2 without any correction.
Is this fixed now?