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vray and vray rt questions

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  • vray and vray rt questions


    vray rt looks very promising may remove the need for our studio to use hypershot as much ... couple of questions

    do the various vray sss materials work with vray rt
    will it work with mesh based lights?
    will it work with any kind of micro poly displacement .... or perhaps relief mapping

    on a more general vray question is support for BRDF materials coming and if so will this work with rt

    also is there any kind of curved relief mapping planned for vray?

    thanks in advance for any response

    Last edited by jamesb; 18-05-2009, 05:01 AM. Reason: incorrect material name and a (mistake)

  • #2
    Originally posted by jamesb View Post
    do the various vray sss materials work with vray rt
    Not in the initial version.

    will it work with mesh based lights?

    will it work with any kind of micro poly displacement....
    Not in the first version, but you can use the 3ds Max displace modifier to work around this.

    on a more general vray question is support for bmrt materials coming and if so will this work with rt
    Not sure what you mean with bmrt materials?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hey vlado,

      I've been developing the iso metaballs for VRay, they fill the basic VRayRenderObject (all the same stuff VRaySphere does) etc. so do they automatically work with the RT? Or is there some additional interfaces I need to fill?

      - Jerry


      • #4
        For now we're keeping things to triangle meshes only (and VRayPlane's), since anything else will likely be difficult to support in hardware (if and when that hardware becomes available ). However, when we get to displacement etc it will probably be possible to integrate custom primitives also. In any case, all rendering happens outside of 3ds Max, so you'll need a plugin for the standalone version of V-Ray to make it work.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Hi sorry i was meaning BRDF materials ...

          shame about no sss as this is one of the main things missing from hyperhot - in order to do organic characters...will support for them come soon or is it non trivial to implement?

          thanks for the very quick response
          Last edited by jamesb; 18-05-2009, 05:07 AM. Reason: typo


          • #6
            BRDFs are not too hard to do; sss is a bit more complicated, but we plan to implement this also.

            If you are interested in trying out our measured BRDF material, you can email me to

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              thanks will do


              • #8
                Vlado, i noticed that the colorCorrect plugin is partially supported (gamma only), i wonder how that works, since it's a 3rd party plugin.

                in any case, color correction is crucial for me (hue/saturation, etc), so i wonder if the new "Color Correction" map included with 3dsmax is supported, and how other procedural 3dsmax maps or wrappers are handled (tiles, noise, gradient, etc).
                Marc Lorenz
                ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


                • #9
                  Originally posted by plastic_ View Post
                  Vlado, i noticed that the colorCorrect plugin is partially supported (gamma only), i wonder how that works, since it's a 3rd party plugin.
                  V-Ray RT recognizes it specifically and translates it to a simplified V-Ray implementation. In general, it is possible to implement support for other parameters of the ColorCorrect texture too.

                  in any case, color correction is crucial for me (hue/saturation, etc), so i wonder if the new "Color Correction" map included with 3dsmax is supported
                  The 3ds Max "Color Correction" map is supported, yes.

                  and how other procedural 3dsmax maps or wrappers are handled (tiles, noise, gradient, etc).
                  These are supported also, although the results may be slightly different than the 3ds Max implementations (specifically the exact shape of the noise).

                  Best regards,
                  Last edited by vlado; 18-05-2009, 06:45 AM.
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vlado View Post
                    V-Ray RT recognizes it specifically and translates it to a simplified V-Ray implementation. In general, it is possible to implement support for other parameters of the ColorCorrect texture too.
                    i'd vote for a dedicated VRaySuperColorCorrect map, with curves (as in the vray FVB), levels, gamma, hdri exposure, optional clamping, hue/saturation, etc.

                    Marc Lorenz
                    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


                    • #11
                      does rt support the 'ColourCorrect' plugin by Cuneyt Ozdas now?
                      I know this is a third party plugin, but I also find this to be a crucial plugin in day to day work. Is this supported, or just the 3dsMax 'Color Correction' one that came in Max 2009?

                      (If not, could it be supported - I appreciate it's third party and not guaranteed to be developed in future, but would be a welcome addition )


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vlado View Post
                        BRDFs are not too hard to do; sss is a bit more complicated, but we plan to implement this also.

                        If you are interested in trying out our measured BRDF material, you can email me to

                        Best regards,
                        It's definitely an interesting way to go - I spend *way* too much time tweaking materials - but a quick google search did not show much in the way of available resources just yet. Are you aware of many data sets publically available (commercial or free) to start testing a measured BRDF material?

                        Brett Simms



                        • #13
                          Will this support LWF?
                          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by simmsimaging View Post
                            Are you aware of many data sets publically available (commercial or free) to start testing a measured BRDF material?
                            Unfortunately I don't know of any. There is some data collected from various universities, but it does not come in a standard form (there is no standard format that I am aware of). Obtaining such data with sufficient precision is also somewhat of a black art and it is all too easy to get incorrect results in the end (which would make the whole exercise pointless).

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #15
                              Thanks Vlado. I'll be curious to see what you guys are doing with measured BRDF then.

                              Brett Simms


