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Some RT thought

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  • Some RT thought


    i justed installed the demo version of RT and i would like to share some thoughts (i even dare to say some critics :

    - It's seems a great app, saw something similar on lightwave i think some time ago, and it really could help us to set up lights/materials much faster!
    - what a pitty you only have 180 seconds to test it ! Turn around your objects a few times, change some materials, and the RT window closes.
    - 320x240 resolution... how is it possible to test RT properly with this resolution ? In real life, i suppose you use it at least at 800x600
    - on my dual quad 64bit 8gb ram, it's still pretty slow at 320x240, even with a basic scene, so i can't imagine it with larger scene, and bigger resolution
    - is it worth 499 euros ?

    Bye !


  • #2
    We realize the demo is somewhat limited; hopefully we will be able to get out a less restrictive demo version later on.

    As for it being slow - that depends on what machine you have. You can also use additional machines for DR to speed it up (we have tested it with up to 9 machines in total). Of course, it is likely that it will get faster.

    As for whether it is worth the price - wouldn't know about that, but it certainly took a lot of time and developing efforts.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I bought it yesterday after trying out the demo.
      Depending on your rates it will pay for itself an a matter of days by saving you the time waiting for the usual testrenderings when setting up light, materials and reflections.
      Reflect, repent and reboot.
      Order shall return.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado View Post
        We realize the demo is somewhat limited; hopefully we will be able to get out a less restrictive demo version later on.

        As for it being slow - that depends on what machine you have. You can also use additional machines for DR to speed it up (we have tested it with up to 9 machines in total). Of course, it is likely that it will get faster.

        As for whether it is worth the price - wouldn't know about that, but it certainly took a lot of time and developing efforts.

        Best regards,
        First of all, i am not really complaining or whatever.
        I use vray everyday, and i would'nt be able to work without it, and i make mostly my living out of 3d renderings. Vray is the best renderer speed/quality/support/forum i know !

        I have a dual quad core dell t5400 (2xxeon 2.66ghz), which i would'nt call that slow

        I just noticed that a reseller makes a 50% deal on RT if you have allready a vray licence, which makes it cheap ! I just bought a licence ! Vlado, you earn the money, no doubt !


        • #5
          shouldnt this be in the RT section?

          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
          stupid questions the forum can answer.

