here is my little try
irradiance map min/max -5 -3
clr thresh, nrm thresh, dist thresh 0.3
hsph subdiv 50
interp samples 60
Secondary multiplier 0.8
depth 10
color mapping type Exponential
dark multiplier 2.5
i changed your falloff on your light from inverse to inverse square and raised the multiplier of the light to 10
Daul AMD 2400+ 1GB ram
i left your materials basically the same. there were some places where you had amounts like 0.8 for reflection glossy without having any reflections i topped it up to 1.0 to get rid of it just incase it was slowing down your render. I left your glossy reflections the same. however with interp glossies it would be faster. ill try interp glossies now actually
irradiance map min/max -5 -3
clr thresh, nrm thresh, dist thresh 0.3
hsph subdiv 50
interp samples 60
Secondary multiplier 0.8
depth 10
color mapping type Exponential
dark multiplier 2.5
i changed your falloff on your light from inverse to inverse square and raised the multiplier of the light to 10
Daul AMD 2400+ 1GB ram
i left your materials basically the same. there were some places where you had amounts like 0.8 for reflection glossy without having any reflections i topped it up to 1.0 to get rid of it just incase it was slowing down your render. I left your glossy reflections the same. however with interp glossies it would be faster. ill try interp glossies now actually