Hey Vlado,
It appears that if I shift/drag/copy a Vray light I will invariably get the
following error at some point. It is copied not instanced or referenced.
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (64,0)-(128,64)
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\RenderInstance.cpp, line 1870: VRenderInstance::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()
along with:
Please send the file C:\VRayLog.txt and, if possible, (a part of) your scene to vray@chaossw.com
Done some more testing, still get the error when I replace the lights one at a time.
Now I get:
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\Material.cpp, line 2129: VRayMtl::shade() {1}
Set everything to a plain grey default material and get:
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\RenderInstance.cpp, line 1870: VRenderInstance::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()
now getting:
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\VRay.cpp, line 1316: VRay::traceSceneRayStatic(), calling SDTree2::intersectRay()
Hey Vlado,
It appears that if I shift/drag/copy a Vray light I will invariably get the
following error at some point. It is copied not instanced or referenced.
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (64,0)-(128,64)
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\RenderInstance.cpp, line 1870: VRenderInstance::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()
along with:
Please send the file C:\VRayLog.txt and, if possible, (a part of) your scene to vray@chaossw.com
Done some more testing, still get the error when I replace the lights one at a time.
Now I get:
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\Material.cpp, line 2129: VRayMtl::shade() {1}
Set everything to a plain grey default material and get:
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\RenderInstance.cpp, line 1870: VRenderInstance::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()
now getting:
error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\VRay.cpp, line 1316: VRay::traceSceneRayStatic(), calling SDTree2::intersectRay()