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Ooo Sp4 is out

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  • Ooo Sp4 is out

    Can't try it yet, in the middle of animating something.

    Edit, download server is taking a beating though...
    Last edited by squeakybadger; 26-10-2009, 10:43 AM.

  • #2
    anyone have a link to the added features?


    • #3
      Sneaky! whats been improved?


      "On October 26th, Monday, the newest build, V-Ray® 1.50 Service Pack 4,
      The upgrade is free of charge for all current V-Ray customers of Chaos Group.The V-Ray® 1.50 Service Pack 4 is compatible with Autodesk® 3ds Max® 8, Autodesk® 3ds Max® 9, Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008, 3ds Max® 2009, Autodesk® 3ds Max Design 2009, Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2010, Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design 2010.
      The new V-Ray build supports both 32-bit and 64-bit OS.
      Added New Feature in V-Ray 1.50 SP4 is V-Ray Ambient Light.
      It includes several modified features:
      - Improved multithreading on multi-core machines;
      - Ability to specify gizmo falloff for VRayEnvironmentFog;
      - Ability to use arbitrary meshes as gizmos for VRayEnvironmentFog;
      - Option to exclude the background from VRayEnvironmentFog;
      - Added CIE sky models to the VRaySun and VRaySky;
      - It is now possible to submit DR servers list for DR through backburner;
      - Added option to not use area speculars in the VRayIES light;
      - Added Kelvin temperature settings for the color of VRayLights;
      - VFB history is now turned off when 3ds Max is in slave mode;
      - Output .vrimg and split channel paths are listed in the Asset Tracker;
      - GI cache files (irradiance maps, light cache etc) are listed in the Asset Tracker.
      Vray 1.50 Sp4"
      Last edited by 3sgteMKI; 26-10-2009, 12:12 PM. Reason: additional Info


      • #4
        Wow! cool!
        thanks Chaos!


        • #5
          Thank you V-Ray overloards in the sky. Was I not in the middle of prepping material for the render farm I would install it this minute.


          • #6
            "Added CIE sky models to the VRaySun and VRaySky"

            could anyone who has tried it tell me what it is ?


            • #7
              I tryed to find difference, but didn't find it)


              • #8
                - Improved multithreading on multi-core machines;

                Good news for our multi core render farm machines.

                - Added Kelvin temperature settings for the color of VRayLights;

                I was actually looking for this in release 3a just today. Excellent!


                • #9
                  From the changelog...

                  Build 1.50.SP4 official (21 October 2009)

                  New features:
                  (*) Added VRayAmbientLight;

                  Modified features:
                  (*) Improved multithreading on multi-core machines;
                  (*) Ability to specify gizmo falloff for VRayEnvironmentFog;
                  (*) Ability to use arbitrary meshes as gizmos for VRayEnvironmentFog;
                  (*) Option to exclude the background from VRayEnvironmentFog;
                  (*) "Show last VFB" command works even when there is no VFB (e.g. scene is just opened);
                  (*) Added CIE sky models to the VRaySun and VRaySky;
                  (*) It is now possible to submit DR servers list for DR though backburner;
                  (*) Added option for the VRayIES light to not use area speculars;
                  (*) Added Kelvin temperature settings for the color of VRayLights;
                  (*) VFB history is now turned off when 3ds Max is in slave mode;
                  (*) Output .vrimg and split channel paths are listed in the Asset Tracker;
                  (*) GI cache files (irradiance maps, light cache etc) are listed in the Asset Tracker;

                  Bug fixes:
                  (*) DR fails with large .max files;
                  (*) Crash with Remove button for gizmos and lights in VRayEnvironmentFog;
                  (*) Crash with Hair&Fur in 3ds Max Design 2010;
                  (*) Issue with Arch&Design materials in multi/sub-object material;
                  (*) It should not be possible to export already created VRayProxy objects as .vrmesh files;
                  (*) Fixed invalid colors with texture-mapped lights when the texture contains black areas;
                  (*) Fixed occasional license errors with codes (-209), (-9) and (1000) on slow networks
                  (*) Fixed a crash when using a combination of VRayLightMtl materials and VrayDirt with "Work with transparency" enabled;
                  (*) Cloning the V-Ray renderer did not clone the override material exclusion list;
                  (*) Fixed problems with velocity channel and objects close to the camera;
                  (*) VRayToon was black on directly visible dome lights;
                  (*) Fixed issue with VRayToon and opacity mapped objects;
                  (*) Fixed a problem with hilights in VRayFastSSS2 material;
                  (*) Fixed different buckets with interpolated glossy reflections and DR;
                  (*) Multi-matte render element did not work with VRaySphereFade;
                  (*) Fixed crash with DR in specific cases;
                  (*) The MaxScript for exporting .vrscene files now exports "RGB Multiply", "RGB Tint", "ColorCorrect" and "ColorCorrection" textures;
         - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MikeeMax View Post
                    "Added CIE sky models to the VRaySun and VRaySky"

                    could anyone who has tried it tell me what it is ?

                    I did some tests of the sky models here-
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #11
                      Much as I love VRay - probably the single best bit of software I use - I don't love the Chaos Group download servers. Not only are they slooooooooooooooow, but quite often the downloads just fail halfway through. Extremely annoying. Plus you can't download VRay and VRayRT at the same time.

                      So Vlado, how about dragging the Choas Group servers into the 21st century?


                      • #12
                        I guess the downloads are slow because the files are generated/watermarked on the fly, probably to prevent piracy. Only a guess though.
                        Marc Lorenz
                        ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


                        • #13
                          thanks for the update!
                          Servers might be slow from...
                          ...all 19,000+ members are downloading on same day....?
                          Downloaded fine yesterday on FF, only slight 3 second delay at beginning of DL....


                          • #14
                            Where are you finding the d-load? I'm only seeing SP2 on the d-load page so I must be in the wrong place (yes, I logged in).

                            Brett Simms



                            • #15
                              On Preetham vs. CIE:

                              "This paper discusses the sky luminance values
                              in the widely used skylight model published by
                              Preetham [PSS99]. We contrast its luminance distributions
                              to comparable distributions of the latest
                              CIE skylight models. It appears that the range of
                              atmospheric conditions Preetham’s model can represent
                              is more limited than previously assumed."


                              So if they look the same, go with CIE because this dude says its more accurate, or something.

